Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Crisantemi per un branco di carogne – Italian title
Tote brauchen un branco di carogne – German title
Chrysanthemums for a Bunch of Swine – English title
If One is Born a Swine – English title
A Wreath for the Bandits – English title
A 1967 Italian production [Società Cinematografica Artisti Alleati (Rome)]
Producer: Ezio Trapanese
Director: Sergio Pastore
Story: Gianni Manera, Sergio Pastore, Scaiola
Screenplay: Gianni Manera (Colleferro Manera), Sergio Pastore, Scaiola
Cinematography: Tino Santoni (Clemente Santoni) [Eastmancolor]
Music: Piero Umiliani
Songs: “La balata della carogne” sung by Raoul (Ettore Lovecchio)
Running time: 98 minutes
Padre – Edmund Purdom
Sharon – Marilena Possenti
Malo – John Manera (Colleferro Manera)
Hutton – Joseph Logan (Enrico Manera)
Barman – Angelo Casadei
With: Ivano Davoli (Giovanni Davoli), Livio Lorenzon, Aïché Nana (Aysé Nana), Jeanette Len (Giovanna Lenzi), Lucy Chevalier, Dean Strano (Dino Strano), Tony Bland (Antonio Bland), Romano Magnino, Sergio Serghey

An outlaw and his gang kidnap a bride during a wedding ceremony and take her to a monastery and demand that the padre marry them. He refuses and when they leave he follows them and is a witnesses to their crimes and eventually helps end their reign of terror and rescues the bride.

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