Stuntman and actor Szobor Csech died this morning August 1, 2014, at age
71 after losing his battle with cancer. In 2012, the famous stuntman learned
that he had contracted multiple myeloma, which is a form of bone marrow
malignancy. In June of last year, he was admitted to a hospital Stunt Fundeni
because of complications of the disease he was suffering. Szobor Csech
collaborated on more than 150 films and TV Feature, including 25 foreign
productions and co-productions (Germany, France, USA, etc.), coordinating the
action sequences and directing battles and fight scenes, falls, and acting in
several memorable film roles.
Szobor appeared in two Euro-westerns and one Euro-western TV series: 'The Prophet, the Gold and the Transylvanians" (1978), "The Oil, the Baby and the Transylvanians" (1979) and "The Leatherstocking Tales'
(TV) - 1969.
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