Watabanga! – Italian title
7 Mounty carica – Italian title
La charge des tuniques rouges – French title
I teleftaia efodos ton kolasmenon – Greek title
Cavalry Charge – USA title
A 1964 Spanish production [Trébol Films Cooperativa Cinematografica (Madrid)]
Producer: Arturo Gonzalez
Director: Ramón Torrado (Ramón Estrada)
Story: Bautista Lacasa Nebot
Screenplay: Bautista Lacasa Nebot, Manuel Tamayo (Manuel Castro), Raymond Torrad
(Ramón Estrada)
Cinematography: Ricardo Torres (Ricardo Núñez) [Eastmancolor, Totalscope]
Music: Daniel White
Running time: 105 minutes
Commandant Niger/Paul White - Frank Latimore (Franklin Kline)
Inspector/Corporal Bedford - Alan Scott
Indian girl - Diana Lorys (Anna Vega)
Sara - Mary Silvers (María Rodriguez)
with; Luis Barboo, Bernabe Barta Barri, Xan das Bolas (Tomas Pena), Frank Braña (Francisco Pérez ), Juan Cortés, Alfonso Rojas (Alfonso Gonzalez), Aldo Sambrell (Alfredo Brell), Fernando Bilbao, Tito García (Pablo Gonzalez), Rufino Inglés, José Truchado (José Reyes), Rafael Hernández (Esteban Herrero), Guillermo Méndez, Ricardo Lilló, Alfonso de la Vega
In a Canadian fort Commandant Niger and Inspector/CorporalBedford fight for the affections of Sara. When Sara chooses Bedford Niger's pride is hurt and he urges the Indians to rebel against the Canadian Mounted Police. Bedford manages to save the life of an Indian girl and when the fort is attacked by Indians Bedford, through his heroic actions and the help of the Indian girl saves the fort from falling into the hands of the Indians and prevents a massacre. For his actions Bedford is decorated with the medal of valor and given a promotion to sergeant.
Biltmore: If only Canadian history was this lively!