Friday, September 6, 2024

Spaghetti Western Trivia – Jack and the fly


You talk about shooting in detail, SergioLeone holds the all-time record there. In my opinion. And he covered—he really covered. {laughs}... This is where I caught the fly in the gun barrel, if you recall... well, the special-effects man originally had a wire, you know the little thin wire with a fly on it, a fake fly. You know—and it worked fine because, you know, you never see the wire and he could run the fly wherever he wanted and I could put—and he wanted to work, so Leone says, “No, no, no, get away from here.” He says Jack can catch me a fly. So, we took—I’ll bet I spent at least seven hours waiting for flies to crawl around my face for him to capture the perfect shot.... " Jack Elam".

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