Sunday, September 8, 2024

Spaghetti Western Locations for “The Forgotten Pistolero”


We begin a new search for locations for 1969s “The Forgotten Pistolero” directed by Ferdinando Baldi and starring Leonard Mann, Peter Martell, Luciana Paluzzi, Alberto de Mendoza and Pilar Velázquez. The film opens with a lone rider travelling through a desolate canyon. We see riders following him along the ridges above on both sides. Suddenly a shot from one of the riders rings out and the rider falls off his horse apparently dead. As the riders from the ridge ride down to inspect their dead prey, one of the kicks the body over and suddenly it comes alive and he shoots the gunman and the other two who are riding towards him. The remaining gunman, the leader of the pact is named Miguel. He’s told to ride back to his mistress and tell her to stop having men follow him or they will end up the same way as these unfortunate souls. Miguel mounts his horse and rides off.

This scene was filmed in the Rambla de Lanujar in Almeria, Spain. Other Spaghetti westerns filmed at this location include “Cemetery Without Crosses”, “Death Rides a Horse”, “Day of Anger”, “$10,000 for a Massacre”, “A Pistol for Ringo”, “Sabata”, “The Bounty Killer”, and  “California”.

For a more detailed view of this site and other Spaghetti Western locations please visit my friend Yoshi Yasuda’s location site: and Captain Douglas Film Locations

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