A 1999 Canadian, Romanian co-production [Canarom Productions, Chesler/Perlmutter
Productions (Toronto), Castel Film (Bucharest)]
Producer: Chris Andrei, Gabi Antal, Michael J. Mahoney
Director: George Erschbamer
Story: Alon Kaplan
Screenplay: Alon Kaplan
Cinematography: Calin Ghibu [color]
Music: Orest Hrynewich, Jack Lenz, Stephen Skratt
Running time: 90 minutes
Tom Johnson - Taylor Locke
Sara Johnson - Carly Pope
Johnny Coyle - Barna Moricz
Sheriff Cane - Markus Parilo
Bloody Bob - Gerry Quigley
Elizabeth - Gloria Slade
Jiffyvawa ‘Jiffy’ Zudo - George Ilie
Jiffy’s mom - Ovidiu Bucurenciu
Pook - Marcello Cobzariu (Marcello Cobzarju)
Ben Small - Marius Florea (Marius Vizante)
hotel clerk - Gabriel Spahiu
Melinda - Marioara Sterian
Roger - Mircea Constantinescu
Mac - Mihai Sandu Gruia (Sandu Gruia)
Eustace - Liviu Timus
Old Doc - Cornel Vulpe
photographer - Marius Galea
cops - Radu Banzaru, Felix Totoloci (Felix Totolici)
citizen - Razvan Popa
Clemmy - Constantin Barbulescu
bartender - Serban Celea
prophet - Ion Haiduc
woman Silvia Nastase
Aliens in the Wild, Wild West is a children’s movie and takes place in an 1880s western town which has been traveled to by two modern day siblings who find a portal that transports them back in time, while on vacation in a ghost town. The younger sibling, Tom Johnson (Locke), is an annoyance to his older sister Sara (Pope). They fight all the time, which is what got them into the the town in the first place. While back in time, Tom finds an alien spaceship in the forest. He soon finds out that oxygen is poisonous to the cute and fuzzy aliens because they only breathe sulfur. The cute and fuzzy aliens resemble a cross between E.T. and a hairy Yoda. The voice of the youngest alien highly resembles Sesame Street’s Elmo. When the townsmen find the aliens, they try to sell them to a representative of P.T. Barnum. Tom and Sara see this as immoral and try to save the aliens by getting them back to their spaceship. The moral shift appears to be out of character for Sara since we were first introduced to her after she was caught joy riding in a stolen car with her punk-rocker-convict-boyfriend. After the two siblings are successful in their moral crusade, they are transported back to the modern day ghost town from whence they came. Tom and Sara's sour relationship heals as they drive back to their suburban home with their family.
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