Wednesday, July 17, 2024

RIP Giancarlo Guardabassi


Giancarlo Guardabassi, historic voice of radio, first in Rai, then founder of one of the first private Italian radio stations, died in Francavilla d'Ete, Marche, Italy on July 17. He was 87. Born in Foligno, Perugia, Italy on August 21, 1937, Giancarlo’s popularity will remain linked to the Dischi Calde broadcast, but he conducted many other broadcasts for Radio Rai. He wrote and performed "Forza Perugia”, in 1975 and hosted the 1976 edition of the Sanremo Festival. After leaving Rai, he founded one of the first private Italian radio stations, Radio Aut, then Radio Aut Marche. Guardabassi was born in Perugia on August 21, 1937, from a noble family from Perugia, his father was in fact Count Alberto Guardabassi (doctor) and hia mother was Baroness Orietta Danzetta, Giancarlo sang the song “Fuoco nel cielo” (Fire in the Sky) for the 1964 Spaghetti western “Two Mafiamen in the Far West” starring Franco & Ciccio.

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