Monday, December 4, 2023

European Comic Books – Collana Audace


Collana Audace 

This comic book series was a supplement to the Audace SERIES (Kociss, Big Davy, The Little Ranger)

It was a small collection of previous issues and completely reproduced the adventures of Kociss #1-#7; Big Davy #8-#10; and The Little Ranger #11-79. Each collection of stories were without a date on the cover and contained 7 issues. The covers contained artwork by Renzo Calegari

The reissues were first published in 1959 with issue #1 appearing January of that year and ended with #79 in 1967. They were published in Milan, Italy by SBE under the direction of Sergio Bonelli. Each issue contained 224 black and white pages with color covers


01 (00.00.59) - “Kociss” (KO) (Kociss)

02 (00.00.59) - “I monti d’argento” (KO) (You Ride Silver)

03 (00.00.59) - “Il dio verde” (KO) (The Silver Mountains)

04 (00.00.59) - “Oro maledetto” (KO) (Cursed Gold)

05 (00.00.59) - “La lancia rossa” (KO) (The Red Spear)

06 (00.00.59) - “Il marchio di Kociss” (KO) (The Kociss Brand)

07 (00.00.59) - “Segnali di morte” (KO) (Signs of Death)

08 (00.00.59) - “Pioggia di fuoco” (BD) (Rain of Fire)

09 (00.00.59) - “I razziatori” (BD) (The Raiders

10 (00.00.00) - “Sangue sulla prateria” (BD) (Blood on the Prairie)

11 (00.00.00) - “L’imboscata” (PR) (The Ambush)

12 (00.00.00) - “Il marchio truccato” (PR) (The Rigged Brand)

13 (00.00.00) - “Il villaggio abbandonato” (PR) (The Abandoned Village)

14 (00.00.00) - “L’indiano bianco” (PR) (The White Indian)

15 (00.00.00) - “La rupe dello spettro” (PR) (The Specter Cliff)

16 (00.00.00) - “Il segno di Manitù” (PR) (The Sign of Manitu)

17 (00.00.00) - “La valle delle ombre” (PR) (The Valley of Shadows)

18 (00.00.00) - “L’uomo di ferro” (PR) (The Iron Man)

19 (00.00.00) - “Il mistero del lago” (PR) (The Mystery of the Lake)

20 (00.00.00) - “Quattro anni dopo” (PR) (Four Years Later)

21 (00.00.00) - “Il padrone della folgore” (PR) (The Master of Lightning)

22 (00.00.00) - “La pistola scarica” (PR) (The Unloaded Gun)

23 (00.00.00) - “Mani in alto!” (PR) (Hands Up!)

24 (00.00.00) - “Gli uomini di pietra” (PR) (The Men of Stone)

25 (00.00.00) - “L’impronta rivelatrice” (PR) (The Revealing Imprint)

26 (00.00.00) - “Il tribunale dei fuorilegge” (PR) (The Court of Outlaws)

27 (00.00.00) - “Un piano arrischiato” (PR) (A Risky Plan)

28 (00.00.00) - “La posada di El Diablo” (PR) (The Posada of El Daiblo)

29 (00.00.00) - “Il porto delle nebbie” (PR) (The Port of Fog)

30 (00.00.00) - “Il morso del serpente” (PR) (The Snake Bite)

31 (00.00.00) - “L’arciere infallibile” (PR) (The Infallible Archer)

32 (00.00.00) - “Al palo della tortura” (PR) (At the Stake of Torture)

33 (00.00.00) - “Nuove reclute” (PR) (New Recruits)

34 (00.00.00) - “La regina del fiume” (PR) (The Queen of the River)

35 (00.00.00) - “Dramma nella notte” (PR) (Drama in the Night)

36 (00.00.00) - “L’incredibile milord” (PR) (The Incredible Milord)

37 (00.00.00) - “Kit contro tutti” (PR) (Kit Against Everyone)

38 (00.00.00) - “Kit in trappola” (PR) (Kit Trapped)

39 (00.00.00) - “Il totem d’avorio” (PR) (The Ivory Totem)

40 (00.00.00) - “L’arma che non perdona” (PR) (The Weapon That Does Not Forgive)

41 (00.00.00) - “Il giuoco svelato” (PR) (The Game Revealed)

42 (00.00.00) - “Il pugnale malese” (PR) (The Malay Dagger)

43 (00.00.00) - “Territorio Apache!” (PR) (Apache Territory)

44 (00.00.00) - “L’ultimo assalto” (PR) (The Last Assault)

45 (00.00.00) - “Il testimone invisibile” (PR) (The Invincible Witness)

46 (00.00.00) - “L’inferno verde” (PR) (The Green Hell)

47 (00.00.00) - “Seminoles!” (PR) (Seminoles)

48 (00.00.00) - “La stella del Nord” (PR) (The North Star)

49 (00.00.00) - “Il cacciatore di uomini” (PR) (The Man Hunter)

50 (00.00.00) - “Colpo di scena” (PR) (Twist Twist)

51 (00.00.00) - “Il diavolo della foresta” (PR) (The Devil of the Forest)

52 (00.00.00) - “Formiche rosse” (PR) (Red Ants)

53 (00.00.00) - “L’uomo dai 100 volti” (PR) (The Man With 100 Faces)

54 (00.00.00) - “La maschera di cera” (PR) (The Wax Mask)

55 (00.00.00) - “Sul filo del coltello” (PR) (On the Knife’s Edge)

56 (00.00.00) - “Le colline proibite” (PR) (The Forbidden Hills)

57 (00.00.00) - “Il pueblo degli Apaches” (PR) (The Apache Pueblo)

58 (00.00.00) - “L’isola del mistero” (PR) (The Mysterious Island)

59 (00.00.00) - “Azione notturna” (PR) (Night Action)

60 (00.00.00) - “Rangers all’attacco” (PR) (Rangers on the Attack)

61 (00.00.00) - “Ghost village” (PR) (Ghost Village)

62 (00.00.00) - “Hanno rapito Kit” (PR) (The Kidnapped Kit)

63 (00.00.00) - “Il cavaliere nero” (PR) (The Black Knight)

64 (00.00.00) - “Sparatoria alla posada” (PR) (Shooting at the Posada)

65 (00.00.00) - “Il terzo complice” (PR) (The Third Accomplice)

66 (00.00.00) - “Colpo di scena” (PR) (Twist Twist)

67 (00.00.00) - “Il protettore mascherato” (PR) (The Masked Protector)

68 (00.00.00) - “La carica dei rangers” (PR) (The Charge of the Rangers)

69 (00.00.00) - “La freccia Comanche” (PR) (The Commanche Arrow)

70 (00.00.00) - “Staffetta indiana” (PR) (Indian Relay)

71 (00.00.00) - “Massacro nella foresta” (PR) (Massacre in the Forest)

72 (00.00.00) - “Direzione Ovest” (PR) (West Direction)

73 (00.00.00) - “Un nido di vipere” (PR) (A Nest of Vipers)

74 (00.00.00) - “Uno strano incontro” (PR) (A Strange Encounter)

75 (00.00.00) - “La roccia del bisonte” (PR) (The Bison Rock)

76 (00.00.00) - “Fulmine Nero” (PR) (Black Lighning)

77 (00.00.00) - “La valle del coguaro” (PR) (The Valley of the Cougar)

78 (00.00.00) - “Killer Jim!” (PR) (Killer Jim!)

79 (00.00.67) - “Rappresaglia” (PR) (Retaliation)

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