La muerte no cuenta los dolares – Spanish title
Quand l’heure de la vengeance sonnera – French title
Quand la vengeance sonnera – French title
Le tueur frappe trois fois – French title
Der Tod zählt keine Dollar – German title
Grav forst, do sen – Finnish title
Death Does Not Count the Dollars – English title
No Killing Without Dollars – English title
Death at Owell Rock – USA title
A 1966 Italian production [Cinecidi (Rome)]
Producer: Enrico Cogliatti
Director: George Lincoln (Riccardo Freda)
Story: Giuseppe Masini
Screenplay: Riccardo Freda, Ian Danby, Giuseppe Masini
Cinematography: Gábor Pogány [Cinemascope, Cromoscope]
Music: Nora Orlandi, Robby Poitevin
Song: “Danny” sung by Raoul
Running time: 93 minutes
Harry Boyd - Mark Damon (Alan Herskovitz)
Lawrence White - Stephen Forsyth
Jane White - Luciana Gill (Luciana Gilli)
Lisabeth - Pamela Tudor (Pamela Eddy)
Doc Lester - Giovanni Pazzafini
Judge Warren - Allan Collins (Luciano Pigozzi)
Pablo/Pedro Rodriguez - Pedro Sanchez (Ignacio Spalla)
with; Lidia Biondi, Aldo Cecconi, Renato Chiantoni, Spartaco Conversi, Mariella Palmich, Hardy Reichelt, Dino Strano, Francesco Tensi, Maurizio Tocchi, John Gotlief (Alessandro Gottlieb)
A retired army officer,Major White, is killed in the small western town of Owell Rock but an eye witness has evidence that the murderers were led by Doc Lester,eldest son of a neighbouring family. However while on the way to the judge the witness is caught by Lesters men who force the towns doctor to cut out his tongue.
Fifteen years later the Major's son Lawrence and Lisabeth,the beautiful daughter of Colonel Pearson arrive at Owell Rock having just survived an attack from Lesters men enroute. There savior is a quick draw drifter named Harry Boyd. Lawrence learns from his sister Jane that their father was murdered by the Lesters for his land, and that the murder had been pinned on a Mexican named Rodriguez who has fled. Reluctantly the seemingly cowardly Lawrence pursues getting Judge Warren to re-open the case but the odds are not in his favor as the Lesters now rule the town and Colonel Pearson, the town doctor and sheriff are all murdered. However Harry Boyd is still in town and causing all sorts of problems with Lester's henchmen. The twist here is that Lawrence White is not who he seems to be.
I've seen this film before but can't remember when.