Laurence Harvey & James Coburn almost in A Talent for Loving (1963)
Laurence Harvey laid the ground work for a return visit to Spain while he was producing, directing and starring in “The Ceremony” early this year. His plans for 1963 include “Talent for Loving” which he and Martin Shute will produce here from a Richard Condon screenplay. The project will go into production after Harvey finishes his starring role in “Of Human Nondage.”
…James Coburn, back from doing two pix abroad, returns to Europe in June to star in Martin Shute production, “A Talent for Loving”.
That makes Harvey the tops in planning (4) westerns and not getting them made
Brit Martin Shute (sic) Schute instead made "Macho Callahan".
The following year Walter Shenson from the Beatle's "Hard Day's Night" and "Help!" bought the book for them to do
Epstein liked the idea, but the Mopheads quarreled about the script and the weather turned bad in Spain forcing the Beatles out (1965-66)
Shenson finally got the film before cameras in Summer of 1968, only to have Paramount bury it.
By Michael Ferguson
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