Sunday, June 16, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Pedro Altamirano


Pedro Altamirano Marquez is/was a Mexican supporting and character actor. He appeared in around 45 films and television series beginning in 1983. His last credited appearance was in 2007’s “Chop Shop”. He’s appeared in five westerns in his career, three of which were Euro-westerns: “La rebelión de los colgados” (The Rebellion of the Hanged) in 1986, “Bandidas” in 1990 as Sapo and as the Mexican commander in 1999’s “Ravenous.

Pedro was also a voice actor and composer during his film career.

I can find no other biographical information on him.

ALTAMIRANO, Pedro (Pedro Altamirano Marquez) [Mexican] – composer, film, TV, voice actor.

La rebelión de los colgados – 1986

Bandidas – 1990 (Sapo)

Ravenous – 1999 (Mexican commander)

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