Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Philippe Boà

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Philippe Boà was born in Paris, France on June 20, 1961. He began his acting career on stage at the age of six.  Boà started attending theater schools at the age of fourteen where he learned dance, singing, and mime. At the age of twenty he entered the Paris Conservatory of Theatre and graduated three years later.

His parents were against his pursuing a career as an actor so in 1985 he left home and moved to Italy. Not being able to speak Italian and knowing nothing about Italy, its people and customs made it difficult for him, but he wanted to be an actor at all costs. He made friends with Ray Lovelock and Fabrizio Frizzi and it all culminated in his being awarded Best Actor in a 2018 short film called “Sogni ad orologeria” at the 2019 Siena Film Festival and again in 2019 in the short film “Argen Pic”.

 Boà has also appeared in several television series.

 Philippe Boà has appeared in three Spaghetti westerns: “Oro & piombo” (Gold and Lead) in 2017, “Black Town” in 2022 and “Oltre il confine” (Beyond the Border) in 2023.

BOA, Philippe (Philippe Boà) [6/20/1961, Paris, Île-de-France, France -     ] – theater, film, TV actor.

The Durchman - 2017 (Tom)

Black Town – 2022

Oltre il confine – 2023

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