Sunday, September 27, 2020

Spaghetti Western Locations for “A Bullet for the General”


We continue our search for filming location for “A Bullet for the General”. After Tate stops the train and ‘El Chuncho’s’ men have taken care of the soldiers, ‘El Chuncho’ slowly approaches the engine to find Tate sitting on the floor. He asks him if he was the one who stopped the engine for him and killed several of the soldiers. Tate says yes and makes up a story that he is a wanted man who was a prisoner being taken to the border. ‘El Chuncho’ shoots the hadcuffs and orders his men to ignore the passengers and unload the guns. ‘El Chuncho’ is disappointed to find no machine guns only rifles.


The scene was shot on the Guadix railway line in the Hernan Valley.



For a more detailed view of this site and other Spaghetti Western locations please visit my friend Yoshi Yasuda’s location site: and Captain Douglas Film Locations

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