Friday, August 23, 2019

Sergio García: "Sad Hill is a living cemetery in a territory that dies, almost the script of another movie."

Diario de Valladolid
By Javier Pérez Andrés

As a native defacto of Peñaranda de Duero, Arandino, although from a family outside the vineyards and wine making. He works with youth tourism, closely linked to summer camps in Burgos. He is a geologist and nature lover. When he studied in Salamanca he visited the Filmoteca de Castilla y León two days a week, but he did not like western movies. Today, together with a group of gunmen, he has gotten thousands of people to value the western and, despite the fear that cemeteries gave him until a few days ago, he has nailed thousands of crosses in the happiest “Sad Hill” of the Arlanza lands ... Of the three he is "the Good."

Question.- What came first: the mountains of Carazo, the limestone rocks or the sequences of The Good, the bad and the Ugly?

Answer.- The sequences of the film. They monopolize everything now, but living an hour from Carazo and San Carlos, I had never been there. It was before the movie that the mountains. David Alba, a partner in the association, slapped me into reality and opened my eyes to tell me that the cemetery of Sad Hill, in which a scene from the film takes place, is in the province of Burgos.

Q.- When was the famous cemetery resurrected?

A.- In the summer of 2013 the first two graves are laid, in a symbolic way. We dealt with Silos City Council to request permission and in the summer 2014 the project was taken to the Junta de Castilla y León, which gave us the authorization. On October 3, 2015 we started with the reconstruction of the Sad Hill cemetery, the “Sad Hill”. We wanted, with the proximity of the 50th anniversary, to rebuild the cemetery and value the entire area as a place where the film was filmed.

Q.- Four years have passed. Did you imagine the media impact?

R.- When doing something like this is you are optimistic, but we did not think that at any time we would get any support. At the beginning it was difficult to begin rolling it out, but once started there was no one to stop it. We currently have between 4,500 and 5,000 crosses.

Q.- Why did the writers, the film's producers choose that location so concrete that today it is protected as a natural space?

R. - The explanation is given by another film of warriors, Templars, Moors and Christians. A movie about Fernán González that was made a few years before, in 1962, and in which Antonio Pérez Ginés participated. He is the one who discovered the landscapes of Burgos before starting to shoot The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Q.- How many visitors does Sad Hill Cemetery attract?

A.- Approximately 10,000 a month in the peak season. Throughout the year, about 60,000. If we had not recovered the cemetery, fans of the film could find the area by searching on Google, but it would be at most 20 people a month.

Q. - It is still a paradox that a cemetery has resurrected a region, right?

R. - An absolute paradox. It is the most lively cemetery on the planet and the only one in the world where you can visit your own grave. It is not necessary to take it as a joke, it is true that we are in one of the areas with the greatest depopulation problems. This does not solve the problem by itself, but it serves as a claim for people to know this place. Sad Hill is a living cemetery in a territory that dies, it almost looks like the script of another movie.

Q.- How do you carry that of being “children of a thousand parents”?

R. - It is a very elegant way to insult, but we wear it with great pride because it is a glorious phrase of the film.

Q.- How many of those who go to the cemetery and enjoy the sequences have not seen the first part of the film?

R. - People are still coming who have not seen it, although they are the least. I love that they say it and that they like what we have done. I recommend that you see it, at least the end.

Q.- Do the shots of your revolver compete with the songs of the friars of Silos?

R. - There is no competition, they are complementary and another resource in the area to come and visit us. Moreover, I would love to be able to shoot one day in the monastery and dressed as gunmen and for the monks to come to the cemetery to do something.

Q.- Who would you like to put a cross in the Sad Hill cemetery?

A. - Not all crosses are the same but I would like that when Clint Eastwood dies we can put a special grave on Sad Hill.

Q.- How many times have you been congratulated?

R. - Almost the same ones that have told us that we are upset.

Q.- What phrase of the movie do you keep?

R.- I would choose this: “The world has two kinds of people. The one’s with the loaded guns and the ones who dig. You dig.”

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