Throughout his theatrical life he is booked into the best theaters, including Las Meninas, Antonio Buero Vallejo and the Teatro Eslava.
His film career begins in 1942 with “Rojo y Negro”, and from that moment began a career that included eighty films, almost all as a supporting actor, like “María de la O”, with Lola Flores in 1958 “Sierra maldita” (1954), “Cerca del cielo” (1952), “Amanecer en puerta oscura”, José María Forque (1957), “La Guerra de Dios”, with Francisco Rabal in 1952, “Zalacaín el aventurero”, “El padre Pitillo”, “Esa voz es una mina”, “Aquí hay petróleo”, “El hombre que viajaba despacito”, “Todos somos necesarios”, “Amanecer en Puerta Oscura”, “Don Lucio y el hermano Pío o Historias de la television”. Sepulveda appeared in four Euo-westerns during the 1960s, “Relevo para un pistolero” (1963). “A Woman for Ringo” (1965), “Rattler Kid” (1967)
and “Ringo: the Lone Rider” (1968)
With the arrival of television in Spain, we find Sepúlveda playing a multitude of characters in each of the dramatic series in those early days which made many of the actors, including Sepulveda well known characters.
His untimely death at age 60 did not allow him to achieve what would have been a successful television career, as José Sepúlveda died in Madrid, Spain on May 10, 1969.
Today we remember José Sepúlveda on what would have been his 105th birthday.
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