Monday, September 12, 2022

European Western Comics – Gli Albi di Pilot (1984)


Gli Albi di Pilot

(Pilot's books)

This comic book series presents some monographic French produced books except the first issue, written by Milo Manara which already appeared in Pilot (Bonelli-Dargaud, 1984). The following characters are published: Valerian (VA) (P. Christin / J.C. Mezieres); Mac Coy (MC) (J.P. Gourmelen / A.H. Palacios); Kelly Green (KG) (L. Starr / S. Drake); Cartland (CA) (L. Harlé / M. Blanc-Dumont); Axel Munshine (AM) (C. Godard / J. Ribera); Velissa (VE) (S. Le Tendre / R. Loisel); Harry Case (HC) (Moliterni / W. Fahrer); Steel Angels (AA) (Victor Mora / Victor De La Fuente).

This series was published in 1984 with issue #1 released on September 9, 1984 and ended with issue #42 on August 8, 1988. Published by Bonelli-Dargaud L'Isola Trovata in Milan, Italy under the direction of Tiziano Sclavi and Sergio Bonelli. Each issue consisted of 48 black and white pages with color covers.


01 (00.09.84) - “L’uomo di carta” (The Man of Paper)

02 (00.10.84) - “Benvenuti su Alflolol” (VA) (Welcome to Alfolol)

03 (00.11.84) - “Wanted!” (MC) (Wanted!)

04 (00.12.84) - “Il contatto” (KG) (The Contact)

05 (00.01.85) - “Jonathan” (CA) (Jonathan)

06 (00.02.85) - “Il vagabondo delle stelle” (AM) (The Wanderer of the Stars)

07 (00.03.85) - “Gli uccelli follia” (VA) (The Birds Madness)

08 (00.04.85) - “La morte bianca” (MC) (The White Death)

09 (00.05.85) - “Un, due, tre si muore!” (KG) (One, Two, Three You Die!)

10 (00.06.85) - “L’impero dei soli neri” (AM) (The Empire of Blacks Only)

11 (00.07.85) - “L’ultima carovana per l’Oregon” (CA) (The Last Caravan to Oregon)

12 (00.08.85) - “L’ambasciatore delle ombre” (VA) (The Ambassador of the Shadows)

13 (00.09.85) - “Trafficanti di scalpi” (MC) (Scalp Traffickers)

14 (00.10.85) - “Cento millioni, morte compresa” (KG) (One Hundred Million, Including


15 (00.11.85) - “Gli sciacalli del cosmo” (AM) (The Jackals of the Cosmos)

16 (00.12.85) - “Il fantasma di Wah-Kee” (CA) (The Ghost of Wah-Kee)

17 (00.02.86) - “La conchiglia di Ramor” (VE) (Ramor’s Shell)

18 (00.02.86) - “Il tempio dell’oblio” (VE) (The Temple of Oblivion)

19 (00.04.86) - “Sulle terre finte” (VA) (On Fake Lands)

20 (00.04.86) - “Little Big Horn” (MC) (Little Big Horn)

21 (00.06.86) - “Rock insanguinato” (KG) (Bloody Rock)

22 (00.06.86) - “I demoni del tempo” (AM) (The Demons of Time)

23 (00.08.86) - “Il fiume del vento” (CA) (The River of the Wind)

24 (00.08.86) - “Sulle terre del rige” (VE) (On the Lands of the Ridge)

25 (00.10.86) - “Le dita del caos” (CA) (The Fingers of Chaos)

26 (00.10.86) - “La donna scomparsa” (HC) (The Missing Woman)

27 (00.01.87) - “Il canyon del diavolo” (MC) (The Devil’s Canyon)

28 (00.02.87) - “L’alchimista supremo” (AM) (The Supreme Alchemist)

29 (00.03.87) - “La pellicola in nero” (HC) (The Black Film)

30 (00.04.87) - “Silver Canyon” (CA) (Silver Canyon)

31 (00.05.87) - “Gli eroi dell’equinozio” (VA) (The Heroes of the Equinox)

32 (00.06.87) - “Il dio anaconda” (AA) (The Anaconda god)

33 (00.07.87) - “La follia del pianeta terra” (AM) (The Madness of Planet Earth)

34 (00.08.87) - “I sopravvissuti delle ombre” (CA) (Survivors of the Shadows)

35 (00.09.87) - “L’ereditiera fantasma” (HC) (The Ghost Heiress)

36 (00.10.87) - “Fiesta a Durango” (MC) (Durango Fiesta)

37 (00.11.87) - “La giungla dei dannati” (AA) (The Jungle of the Damned)

38 (00.12.87) - “Camerone” (MC) (Camerone)

39 (00.03.88) - “La guerra delle Bonke” (AM) (The War of the Bonke)

40 (00.04.88) - “I pirati del fumetto” (KG) (The Pirates of Comics)

41 (00.07.88) - “Mondo senza stelle” (VA) (World Without Stars)

42 (00.08.88) - “Pericolo immediato” (HC) (Immediate Danger)

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