Monday, September 6, 2021

European Western Comic Books ~ Avventure Americane

American Adventures (Roy Rogers - Cisco Kid - Cino and Franco - Felix)

A total of 40 numbered issues of this comic book were published, 36 plus four bis numbers (#5, #7, #11, #15). With this series, the publisher Mario Nerbini resumed his activity in Rome, continuing the publications of characters previously edited in Florence and, more recently, in the capital by the publishers Salvatore Marino (Edizioni Adriana and Aurelia) and Gabriele Gioggi. Initially, Roy Rogers (RR) by Al Stoffel and Mike Arens (Al McKimson) and Cisco Kid (CK) by Rod Reed and José Luis Salinas (#1/8) alternate, then Felix (FE) by Otto Messmer and Joe Oriolo (Pat Sullivan) and cine e Franco (CF) (Tim Tyler's Luck) by Lyman Young, Bob Young and Tom Massey. In the appendix, Arturo (#5bis, #11bis), Little Iodine (#7bis), Pete il vagabondo (Pete the Tramp) (#5bis, 7bis, #bis, #30, #32 and #34), Henry (#30, #32, #34), Dingle (#32, #34), Hoofer and Mami (#32), Snookums by Geo McManus, Bibi’ e Bibo’ (The Katzenjammers Kids) by Knerr, Sunday tables by Arm of Iron.

This series was initially published in 1956 with #1 being released on January 15, 1956 and ended with issue #40 on August 15, 1957. Each issue contained 32 black and whit pages with color covers.


001 (15.01.56) - “Il furto di Blakjack”, “Il misterioso uomo mascherato”, “Il tesoro del deserto” (RR, td 1951/1952) (Blackjack’s Theft, The Mysterious Masked Man”, The Treasure of the Desert”)
002 (00.01.56) - “L’evaso del West”, “I rapinatori della banca”, “La miniera di zinco” (RR, td 1952/1953) (Escape to the West”, “Tbank Robbers”, “The Zinc Mine”)
003 (15.02.56) - “Il bandito milionario” (CK, sg 01.03.54/05.06.54) (The Millionaire Bandit)
004 (29.02.56) - “La miniera abbandonata” (CK, sg 07.06.54/10.09.54) (The Abandoned Mine)(
005 (15.03.56) - “Il ciclone del Ranch K” (RR, td 15.06.52/24.08.52), (The Cyclone of Ranch K) “La diligenza scomparsa” (RR, td 31.08.52/02.11.52) (The Missing Diligence)
“Il pirata della segheria” (RR, td 10.02.52/13.03.52) (The Pirate of the Sawmill)
05b (15.03.56) - “Il gatto sbarazzino” (FE)  (The Jaunty Cat)
006 (31.03.56) - “I rapinatori fantasma” (CK, sg 1953) (The Phantom Robbers)
007 (01.06.56) - “Il mistero degli uomini di pietra” (CF, sg 26.03.51/07.07.51) (The Mystery of the Men of Stone)
07b (30.04.56) - “Felix nella luna” (FE) (Felix in the Moon)
008 (15.06.56) - “L’assalto dei pellerossa” (CK, sg 1955) (The Assault of the Indians)
009 (01.07.56) - “La mappa invisibile” (CF, sg 03.09.51/06.12.51) (The Invisible Map)

010 (15.07.56) - “Felix sul tappeto magico” (FE) (Felix on the Magic Carpet)
011 (01.08.56) - “La sorgente della vita eterna” (CF, sg 03.11.52/07.03.53) (The Source of Eternal Life)
11b (00.00.56) - "Felix (FE) (Felix)
012 (15.08.56) - “Felix sotto i mari” (FE) (Felix Under the Sea)
013 (01.09.56) - “Il rinoceronte d’oro” (CF, sg 09.03.53/27.06.53) (The Golden Rhino)
014 (15.09.56) - “Felix giramondo" (FE) (Felx Globetrotter)
015 (01.10.56) - “I fuorilegge dell’avorio” (CF, sg 29.06.53/26.09.53) (The Ivory Outlaws)
15b (00.00.56) - (FE)
016 (00.10.56) - “Nell’isola del tesoro” (FE) (On the Treasure Island)
017 (01.11.56) - “I prigionieri dell’isola” (CF, sg 26.09.53/05.12.53) (The Prisoners of the Island)
018 (15.11.56) - “Al circo” (FE) ( At the Circus)
019 (01.12.56) - “La carovana fantasma” (CF, sg 07.12.53/ 27.02.54) (The Ghost Caravan)

020 (15.12.56) - “Nel paese dei balocchi” (FE) )In the Land of Toys)
021 (01.01.57) - “Gli uomini delle nevi” (CF, sg 01.03.54/22.05.54) (The Snowmen)
022 (15.01.57) - “Pescatore” (FE)  (Fisherman)
023 (01.02.57) - “Il labirinto delle rocce” (CF, sg 24.05.54/18.09.54) (The Labyrinth of Rocks)
024 (15.02.57) - “Poliziotto” (FE) (Policeman)
025 (01.03.57) - “La caverna sotto il fiume” (CF, sg 20.09.54/18.12.54) (The Cave Under the River)
026 (15.03.57) - “Nelle terre polari” (FE) (In the Polar Lands)
027 (01.04.57) - “Il gigante delle paludi” (CF, sg 25.02.52/10.05.52) (The Giant of the Swamps)
028 (15.04.57) - “Pagliaccio” (FE) (Pagliaccio)
029 (01.05.57) - “Il ritorno di Fang” (CF, sg 12.05.52/09.08.52) (The Return of Fang)

030 (15.05.57) - “Felix sulla via lattea” (FE) (Felix of the Milky Way)
031 (01.06.57) - “La vendetta di Oteeto” (CF, sg 11.08.52/04.10.52) (Oteeto’s Way)
032 (15.06.57) - “Felix e la sua ombra” (FE) (Felix and His Shadows)
033 (01.07.57) - “I diamanti scomparsi” (CF, sg 10.12.51/23.02.52), “Una impresa disperata” (I) (RR, sg 1954) (The Missing Diamonds”, “A Desperate Enterprise”
034 (15.07.57) - “Nel mondo dei sogni” (FE) (In the World of Dreams)
035 (01.08.57) - “Il mistero della pantera nera” (CF, sg 09.07.51/01.09.51), “Una impresa disperata” (II) (RR, sg 1954) (The Mystery of the Black Panther, “A Desperate Enterprise”)
036 (15.08.57) - “Felix milionario” (FE) (Felix Millionaire)

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