Friday, May 1, 2020

Spaghetti Western Trivia ~ Gemma’s Scar

Giuliano Gemma was one of Italy’s most beloved actors and a true legendary star of the Spaghetti Western genre in Rome in 1938. One day as a young boy he was playing in a field when he found a still-live explosive from World War II. It exploded in his face, causing a scar on his left cheek that was still visible years later when he started his film career in Spaghetti westerns.

1 comment:

  1. Giuliano Gemma was playing Cowboys & Indians with his friends when he picked up what he thought was a ball but later turned out to be a clandestine pineapple grenade. He accidentally squeezed it as he was about to throw it and it blew up in his face, nearly killing him. They removed the bits of shrapnel from his left cheek, but many years later, it left an invisible scar. I believe that if Ringo hadn't had that scar, I don't think he would have been as famous as he is now. Adios, Ringo. You were and still are "The Man From Nowhere" with your Angel Face and all. Ciao.
