Cortijo El Puntalillo – this took two trips to locate as there is nothing left to mark the location except the hill and there are several in this are that look very similar. In 2003 Don Bruce, Marla Johnson and I spent several hours driving up and down the dirt roads in this area looking for the location of the station. There are even several rock ruins which trick you. In 2005 Don, John Crummett and myself went back and finally verified the location. The only help I can give you in locating this location is it is across the valley
from Turrillas north east of Tabernas near a solar plant on an unmarked road used by the government as an agricultural test area. The station site is on a road before the government road restriction signs.
For a more detailed view of this site and other Spaghetti Western locations please visit my friend Yoshi “Garring” Yasuda’s excellent website:
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