Friday, March 21, 2025

Little Known Spaghetti Western actors ~ Alfredo Ciarpelloni

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Alfredo Ciarpelloni was born in Rome, Italy on July 8, 1933. He was nicknamed "Er Banzo", he was a roman cinema worker, one of those who often contributed, without specific credit, to the making of a film taking care of a technical aspect.

Thanks to his ruggedly roman face and robustly built body size, he was used for small appearances in many Italian films, typically as temperamental and physically threatening characters. Altogether he appeared in nearly twenty films from 1969 to 1994.

Alfredo “Er Banzo” Ciarpelloni died in Rome on June 25, 2012 two weeks before turning 79.

Alfredo’s only Spaghetti western was as a saloon patron watching Nieves Navarro dance in “Indio Black, sei che ti dico… sei un gran figlio di…” (Adios, Sabata) in 1970.

CIARPELLONI, Alfredo [7/8/1933, Rome, Lazio, Ialy – 6/25/2012, Rome, Lazio, Italy] – film actor, son of Enea e, Marcella D'Angelo.

Adios, Sabata – 1970 (saloon patron)

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