Sunday, March 16, 2025

Little Known Spaghetti Western actors ~ Uwe Choroba

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Uwe Choroba was born on September 8, 1962, and grew up in Hanover, where he still lives today. From an early age he was interested in film and music and was able to gain his first experience in the fields of light, sound and photography. He began to help out on various film shoots and thus got his first extra and speaking roles, although he never became a professional actor. Rather, he accompanied a number of independent films, mainly from the horror film sector, with his expertise and took on some minor roles. He had his first role in Jochen Taubert's trash film “Spiel mir am Glied bis zum Tod”. He then appeared as a pedophile on Olaf Ittenbach's “5 Seasons”, where he was responsible for co-organizing, among other things. This was followed in 2016 by the films “The King of the Cannibals”, “Hi8: Resurrectio”, “Bittersweet Revenge” and “The Power of Dreams”.

Uwe has appeared in two Euro-westerns: “Tot Oder Lebendig” (Scalped Alive) in 2014 and “Lebendig skalpiert” in 2020.

CHOROBA, Uwe [9/8/1962, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany -     ] – cameraman, film actor.

Scalped Alive – 2014 (pilot)

Lebendig skalpiert – 2020

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