Captain Miki 7
A total of 225 issues are published (preceded by a #0) divided into 17 series with progressive numbering
It comes in a cellophane-wrapped package with four strip albums: one is unpublished and three are an anastatic reprints. The latter initially has a detachable dust jacket with unpublished drawings created specifically by Dario Guzzon which, once detached, tells a complete story. The albums from #1 of Series I to #2 of Series XXIV are re-proposed. The unpublished album presents the new adventures of Captain Miki chosen by Dario Guzzon, scripted by Alberto Arato (#s1/72) and illustrated by Birago Balzano (#s1/27) who is later joined by Paolo Ongaro (L. Venturini) (#s37/72). From #73 it reprints stories already published in Gli Albi di Captain Miki (1962). Texts by Amilcare Medici (A. Rimedi) and drawings by Franco Bignotti (Frank). Some of the above stories are republished in the giant Captain Miki albums published in the 1980s.
Issue #0 is untitled and comes out as a supplement to issue #1. From issue #91 onwards the albums are in color.
The series was published in 1994 beginning with #0 on
November 3, 1994, and ended with #225 in April of 2003. It was published in
Milan, Italy by CED under editors Roberto Sangalli and Gianni Bono. Each issue
contained 32 pages with color covers.
Series I November 3, 1994 – January 25, 1995
01 (001) (03.11.94) - “Uno strano tipo” (A Strange Type)
02 (002) (15.11.94) - “Verso Los Palos” (Towards Los Palos)
03 (003) (25.11.94) - “Il baro” (The Card Player)
04 (004) (03.12.94) - “El loco” (El Loco)
05 (005) (15.12.94) - “Una rapina annunciata” (A Robbery
06 (006) (25.12.94) - “Silver Creek” (Silver Creek)
07 (007) (03.01.95) - “Assalto al treno” (The Train Robbery)
08 (008) (15.01.95) - “100.000 dollari d’oro” ($100,000 of
09 (009) (25.01.95) - “Scontro finale” (The Final Showdown)
Serie II February 15, 1995 – April 25, 1995
01 (010) (15.02.95) - “Colpo di mano” (A Coup)
02 (011) (25.02.95) - “Missione speciale” (Special Mission)
03 (012) (15.02.95) - “Tachouac” (Tachouac)
04 (013) (03.03.95) - “Agguato” (Ambush)
05 (014) (15.03.95) - “Un brutto affare” (A Bad Deal)
06 (015) (25.03.95) - “Un dubbio incontro” (A Doubtful
07 (016) (03.04.95) - “La rivolta” (The Revolt)
08 (017) (15.04.95) - “Doppio Rhum all’attacco” (Double Rum
09 (018) (25.04.95) - “Una questione d’onore” (A Matter of
Serie III May 3, 1995) – July 25, 1995
01 (019) (03.05.95) - “Gli studi di Salasso” (Salasso’s
02 (020) (15.05.95) - “Viaggio verso il mistero” (Journey to
the Mystery)
03 (021) (25.05.95) - “Tsutsi Crreek” (Tsutsi Creek)
04 (022) (03.06.95) - “La valle delle due terre” (The Valley
of the Two Lands)
05 (023) (15.06.95) - “Riti d’iniziazione” (Initiation
06 (024) (25.06.95) - “Fuoco e acqua per Miki” (Fire and
Water for Miki)
07 (025) (03.07.95) - “La vita è un sogno” (Life is a Dream)
08 (026) (15.07.95) - “Un personaggio singolare” (A Singular
09 (027) (25.07.95) - “Un sole per i faraoni” (A Sun for the
Serie IV August 5, 1995 – November 7, 1995
01 (028) (05.08.95) - “Una calda estate” (A Hot Summer)
02 (029) (15.08.95) - “Un bottino misterioso” (A Mysterious
03 (030) (25.08.95) - “Rapina!” (Robbery!)
04 (031) (05.09.95) - “Lotta all’ultimo sangue” (A Fight to
the Death)
05 (032) (15.09.95) - “Un ostaggio prezioso” (A Precious
06 (033) (25.09.95) - “Caccia al bottino” (Hunt for the
07 (034) (05.10.95) - “La segheria fantasma” (The Phantom
08 (035) (30.10.95) - “La vecchia lavanderia” (The Old
09 (036) (07.11.95) - “Adios Hombre” (Adios Hombre)
Serie V November 21, 1995 – October 5, 1996
01 (037) (21.11.95) - “Un appuntamento pericoloso” (A
Dangerous Appointment)
02 (038) (28.11.95) - “Un brutto incontro” (A Bad Encounter)
03 (039) (05.12.95) - “Una corsa mortale” (A Deadly Race)
04 (040) (27.12.95) - “Numero progressivo” (Progressive
05 (041) (15.01.96) - “Un maldestro tentativo” (A Clumsy
06 (042) (22.01.96) - “Una campagna malriuscita” (A Failed
07 (043) (29.01.96) - “Il travestimento di Salasso”
(Salasso’s Disguise)
08 (044) (08.02.96) - “Uno strano predicatore” (A Strange
09 (045) (05.03.96) - “Intrighi” (Intirgues)
10 (046) (28.03.96) - “Pericolo” (Danger)
11 (047) (08.04.96) - “Elezioni” (Elections)
12 (048) (18.04.96) - “Il rapimento” (The Kidnapping)
13 (049) (26.04.96) - “Nella miniera” (In the Mine)
14 (050) (10.05.96) - “Ribellione” (Rebellion)
15 (051) (05.09.96) - “Mac Dowell fugge” (Mac Dowell
16 (052) (15.09.96) - “Il posto Geysers” (The Geysers Place)
17 (053) (25.09.96) - “L’ultimo duello” (The Last Duel)
18 (054) (05.10.95) – “Ivincitori” (The Victors)
Serie VI October 15, 1996 – January 9, 1997
01 (055) (15.10.96) - “Una notizia” (A News Story)
02 (056) (25.10.96) - “La rapina” (The Robbery)
03 (057) (05.11.96) - “Storia di una beffa” (The Story of a
04 (058) (15.11.96) - “Indagini pericolose” (Dangerous
05 (059) (25.11.96) - “Attentato alla galleria” (Attack on
the Tunnel)
06 (060) (05.12.96) - “Doppio gioco” (Double Game)
07 (061) (19.12.96) - “Il vagone blindato” (The Armored Car)
08 (062) (29.12.96) - “Evasione” (Escape)
09 (063) (09.01.97) - “Egon se ne va” (Egon Goes Away)
Serie VII January 19, 1997 – April 9, 1997
01 (064) (19.01.97) - “Tre avventurieri” (Three Adventurers)
02 (065) (29.01.97) - “Violenza” (Violence)
03 (066) (09.02.97) - “Minaccia!” (Threat!)
04 (067) (19.02.97) - “Assalto Nyados” (Nyados Assault)
05 (068) (29.02.97) - “L’incontro” (The Encounter)
06 (069) (09.03.97) - “Duello indiano” (Indian Duel)
07 (070) (19.03.97) - “La sfida” (The Challenge)
08 (071) (29.03.97) - “Un’amara sorpresa” (A Bitter
09 (072) (09.04.97) - “La vendetta” (Revenge)
Serie VIII April 19, 1997 – October 9, 1997
01 (073) (19.04.97) - “Esercitazioni di tiro” (Shooting
02 (074) (29.04.97) - “Morte nella riserva” (Death in the
03 (075) (09.05.97) - “Il giocatore” (The Gambler)
04 (076) (19.05.97) - “Sally Grant” (Sally Grant)
05 (077) (29.05.97) - “Festa in paese” (Town Feast)
06 (078) (09.06.97) - “Il duello” (The Duel)
07 (079) (19.06.97) - “Il rapimento” (TheKidnapping)
08 (080) (29.06.97) - “Segnali di fumo” (Smoke Signals)
09 (081) (09.07.97) - “Il ricatto” (The Blackmail)
10 (082) (19.07.97) - “La sorpresa” (The Surprise)
11 (083) (29.07.97) - “Il miracolo” (The Miracle)
12 (084) (09.08.97) - “Attacco indiano” (Indian Attack)
13 (085) (19.08.97) - “Scontro nella valle” (Clash in the
14 (086) (29.08.97) - “La trappola” (The Trap)
15 (087) (09.09.97) - “Bagliori di fuoco” (Flashes of Fire)
16 (088) (19.09.97) - “Il fuggiasco” (The Fugitice)
17 (089) (29.09.97) - “Razzia” (Raid)
18 (090) (09.10.97) - “La farina del diavolo” (The Devil’s
Serie IX October 18, 1997 – May 29, 1998
01 (091) (19.10.97) - “I cadetti di Richtown” (Richtown
02 (092) (29.10.97) - “Una bruta faccenda” (A Brute Affair)
03 (093) (09.11.97) - “Dov’è George” (Where’s George)
04 (094) (19.11.97) - “L’uomo mascherato” (The Masked Man)
05 (095) (29.11.97) - “La folle corsa” (The Mad Ride)
06 (096) (09.12.97) - “Il grande ranch” (The Big Ranch)
07 (097) (19.12.97) - “Il dilemma” (The Dilemma)
08 (098) (29.12.97) - “Senza tregua” (Without Respite)
09 (099) (09.01.98) - “Il meticcio” (The Half-Breed)
10 (100) (19.01.98) - “La fuga” (The Escape)
11 (101) (29.01.98) - “Atto di coraggio” (Act of Courage)
12 (102) (09.02.98) - “Il riscatto” (The Ransom)
13 (103) (19.02.98) - “La rivelazione” (The Revelation)
14 (104) (28.02.98) - “Il lasciapassare” (The Pass)
15 (105) (09.03.98) - “Il dubbio” (The Doubt)
16 (106) (19.03.98) - “L’indagine di Miki” (Miki’s
17 (107) (29.03.98) - “Alto tradimento” (High Treason)
18 (108) (29.05.98) - “L’ultima lotta” (The Last Struggle)
Serie X June 9, 1998 – December 29, 1998
01 (109) (09.06.98) - “Un giorno speciale” (A Special Day)
02 (110) (19.06.98) - “La premiazione” (The Awards Cermony)
03 (111) (29.06.98) - “L’epidemia” (The Epidemic)
04 (112) (09.07.98) - “Sospetto” (Suspicion)
05 (113) (19.07.98) - “Fuoco e fiamme” (Fire and Flames)
06 (114) (29.07.98) - “Paura” (Fear)
07 (115) (09.08.98) - “Incontro inaspettato” (Unexpected
08 (116) (19.08.98) - “La refurtiva” (The Stolen Goods)
09 (117) (29.08.98) - “Salasso è nei guai” (Salasso in
10 (118) (09.09.98) - “La proposta” (The Proposal)
11 (119) (19.09.98) - “Tracce confuse” (Confused Traces)
12 (120) (29.09.98) - “Dietro le sbarre” (Behind Bars)
13 (121) (09.10.98) - “Dov’è il tesoro” (Where is the
14 (122) (19.10.98) - “La frana” (The Landslide)
15 (123) (29.10.98) - “Visione inattesa” (Unexpected Vision)
16 (124) (09.11.98) - “Pendaglio da forca” (Gallop Pendant)
17 (125) (19.11.98) - “Il giudice Johnson” (Judge Johnson)
18 (126) (29.12.98) - “Impresa rischiosa” (Ricky Business)
Serie XI January 9, 1999 – July 9, 1999
01 (127) (09.01.99) - “Un ranch in fiamme” (A Ranch on Fire)
02 (128) (19.01.99) - “Passaggio segreto” (Secret Passage)
03 (129) (29.12.98) - “Forte Del Sol” (Forte Del Sol)
04 (130) (09.01.99) - “Il generale” (The General)
05 (131) (19.01.99) - “L’assedio” (The Siege)
06 (132) (28.02.99) - “Swoomp” (Swoomp)
07 (133) (09.03.99) - “La fattoria bruciata” (The Burnt
08 (134) (19.03.99) - “La montagna secca” (The Dry Mountain)
09 (135) (29.03.99) - “La caccia” (The Hunt)
10 (136) (09.04.99) - “Il morto del saloon” (The Dean Man of
the Saloon)
11 (137) (19.04.99) - “Terribili accuse” (Terrible
12 (138) (09.05.99) - “Il piano di Rolaf Scott” (Rolaf
Scott’s Plan)
13 (139) (19.05.99) - “La collina del corvo” (The Hill of
the Crow)
14 (140) (29.05.99) - “Pericolo per MiKi” (Miki’s Danger)
15 (141) (09.06.99) - “La grotta del mistero” (The Cave of
16 (142) (19.06.99) - “Orso rampante” (Rampant Bear)
17 (143) (29.06.99) - “La botte d’oro” (The Barrel of Gold)
18 (144) (09.07.99) - “La cattura di Sweet” (The Capture of
Serie XII July 19, 1999 – January 9, 2000
01 (145) (19.07.99) - “Le sacre armi” (The Sacred Weapons)
02 (146) (29.07.99) - “La rivolta dei Sioux” (The Sioux
03 (147) (09.08.99) - “Il messaggio del Sakem” (The Message
of Sakem)
04 (148) (19.08.99) - “La liberazione Evelyn” (The
Liberation of Evelyn)
05 (149) (29.08.99) - “Tuan il meticcio” (Tuan the
06 (150) (09.09.99) - “La pace” (The Peace)
07 (151) (19.09.99) - “Il tenente Eddie” (Lieutenant Eddie)
08 (152) (29.09.99) - “Assalto al carro” (The Wagon Raid)
09 (153) (09.10.99) - “La missiva” (The Missive)
10 (154) (19.10.99) - “Corte marziale” (Court Martial)
11 (155) (29.10.99) - “Il palo della morte” (The Death
12 (156) (09.11.99) - “A carte scoperte” (Cards on the
13 (157) (19.11.99) - “Arcibald Pitt” (All in the Family
14 (158) (29.11.99) - “L’eredità contesa” (The Conteseted
15 (159) (09.12.99) - “Gli enigmi di Pitt” (The Riddles of
16 (160) (19.12.99) - “La carica dei bisonti” (The Charge of
the Buffalo)
17 (161) (29.12.99) - “I figli di Elisa” (The Children of
18 (162) (09.01.00) - “Bagliori di fuoco” (Flashes of Fire)
Serie XIII January 19, 2000 – July 9, 2000
01 (163) (19.01.00) - “Misteriose sparizioni” (Mysterious
02 (164) (29.01.00) - “La grande palude” (The Great Swamp)
03 (165) (09.02.00) - “Il sentiero” (The Path)
04 (166) (19.02.00) - “Nel mondo del mistero” (In the World
of Mystery)
05 (167) (29.02.00) - “Gli antichi germani” (The Ancient
06 (168) (09.03.00) - “Il duello” (The Duel)
07 (169) (19.03.00) - “La pietra rivelatrice” (The Tell-Tale
08 (170) (29.03.00) - “Un rogo per Doppio Rhum” (A Bonfire
of Double Rhum)
09 (171) (09.04.00) - “Senza via d’uscita” (No Way Out)
10 (172) (19.04.00) - “Fuga disperata” (Desperate Scape)
11 (173) (29.04.00) - “Ferro e fuoco” (Iron and Fire)
12 (174) (09.05.00) - “Eco di battaglia” (Echo of Battle)
13 (175) (19.05.00) - “Bagliore nella notte” (Glow in the
14 (176) (29.05.00) - “Il segno celeste” (The Celestial
15 (177) (09.06.00) - “Il piano di Miki” (Miki’s Plan)
16 (178) (19.06.00) - “L’attacco dei germani” (The Attack of
the Germans)
17 (179) (29.06.00) - “La follia Kollinger” (Kollinger’s
18 (180) (09.07.00) - “Una pace impossibile” (An Impossible
Serie XIV July 19, 2000 – January 18, 2001
01 (181) (19.07.00) - “Riserva indiana” (Indian Reservation)
02 (182) (29.07.00) - “Pae.Sha il grande capo” (Pae Sha the
Big Chief)
03 (183) (09.08.00) - “Il dottore bianco” (The White Doctor)
04 (184) (19.08.00) - “Una brutta faccenda” (A Bad Business)
05 (185) (29.08.00) - “La borsa d’oro” (The Gold Bag)
06 (186) (09.09.00) - “Furia liquida” (Liquid Fury)
07 (187) (19.09.00) - “L’ordine di Pae-Sha” (The Orde of
08 (188) (29.09.00) - “Il mistero” (The Mystery0
09 (189) (09.10.00) - “Missione per Miki” (Mission for Miki)
10 (190) (19.10.00) - “Piano segreto” (Secret Plan)
11 (191) (29.10.00) - “Il picco del Falco Bianco” (White
Hawk Peak)
12 (192) (09.11.00) - “Ruy Skelton” (RuySkelton)
13 (193) (19.11.00) - “Epidemia” (Epidemic)
14 (194) (29.11.00) - “Il pozzo avvelenato” (The Poisoned
15 (195) (19.12.00) - “La minaccia” (The Threat)
16 (196) (29.12.00) - “Estrema decisione” (Extreme Decision)
17 (197) (08.01.01) - “Tempesta selvaggia” (Wild Storm)
18 (198) (18.01.01) - “Pegno di pace” (Peace Pledge)
Serie XV January 28, 2001 – April 18, 2001
01 (199) (28.01.01) - “Lungo il Colorado” (Along the
02 (200) (07.02.01) - “L’indagine” (The Investigation)
03 (201) (17.02.01) - “Un dannato trucco” (A Damned Trick)
04 (202) (27.02.01) - “L’ira di volpe astuta” (The Wrath of
the Cunning Fox)
05 (203) (09.03.01) - “Verso la salvezza” (Towards
06 (204) (19.03.01) - “Il sacro Totem” (The Sacred Totem)
07 (205) (29.03.01) - “Pepe tobasco” (Tobassco Pepper)
08 (206) (08.04.01) - “Il furto del totem” (The Theft of the
09 (207) (18.04.01) - “Picco crucero” (Crucero Peak)
Serie XVI May 28, 2001 – September 30, 2002
01 (208) (28.04.01) - “Un indiano al forte” (An Indian at
the Fort)
02 (209) (08.05.01) - “Mistero!” (Mystery!)
03 (210) (18.05.01) - “Caccia all’uomo” (Manhunt)
04 (211) (28.05.01) - “Il generale Driscoll” (General
05 (212) (07.06.01) - “Il guado” (TheFord)
06 (213) (17.06.01) - “Il trucco di Miki” (Miki’s Trick)
07 (214) (10.09.02) - “La caccia" (The Hunt)
08 (215) (20.09.02) - “Azione disperata" (Desperate
09 (216) (30.09.02) - “La cattura risolutiva" (The
Resolving Capture)
Serie XVII October 10, 2002 – April 2003
01 (217) (10.10.02) - “La valle dei bisonti” (The Valley of
the Bison)
02 (218) (19.10.02) - “Caccia all'uomo” (Manhunt)
03 (219) (20.11.02) - “Morte misteriosa” (Mysterious Death)
04 (220) (05.12.02) - “L'antico forte spagnolo” (The Old
Spanish Fort)
05 (221) (00.02.03) - “Il segreto di Manuela” (Manuela’s
06 (222) (00.02.03) - “Un traffico maledetto” (A Cursed
07 (223) (00.03.03) - “Verso Forte Lupo" (Towards Fort
08 (224) (00.03.03) - “L'ultima partita" (The Last
09 (225) (00.04.03) - “Giustizia!" (Justifice!)
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