Sunday, December 15, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Gian Castelli

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Gian Castelli was a Spanish child actor born Eugenio Castellanos. He has only two films credited to him on the IMDb and one was a Spaghetti western 1968’s “Comanche blanco” (White Comanche) where he’s credited as Dennis. Thanks to a comment by Abel we can also add his appearance in the flashback scene in 1966's "Texas Adios" where he appears as a young boy. 

There is a credit on Discogs for a Gian Castelli as a “Liner notes translator”. Could this be the same person? There’s also author Gian Castelli who’s written several books. Again, could this be our man?

CASTELLI, Gian (aka Ian Castelli) (Eugenio Castellanos[Spanish] – child film actor.

Texas Adios - 1966 (boy in flashback

White Comanche – 1968 (Dennis)


  1. Castelli era en realidad el niño español Eugenio Castellanos que tambien aparece en el flash_back de ADIOS TEXAS

  2. Castelli was actually the Spanish boy Eugenio Castellanos who also appears in the ADIOS TEXAS flashback

  3. Thanks Abel I've changed the post and thank you for the information.
