Monday, July 1, 2024

European Western Comic Books – Bella & Bronco


Bella & Bronco

This was the first Sergio Bonelli album in which the name of the female character appears in the header. This western, presented in the unusual Roll of Honor format, narrates the adventures of Bella Madigan, owner of a saloon, and her adventurous companion Bronco, an educated Indian. Texts were by Gino D'Antonio, drawings were done by D'Antonio, Gianni Freghieri, Alessandro Chiarolla, Gaspare and Gaetano Cassaro and Renato Polese. Covers by D'Antonio.

This comic book series was published in 1984 to 1985 and was issued monthly with issue one being released in July of 1984 and ending in October 1985. It was published in Milan, Italy by SBE under the direction of Sergio Bonelli and each issue contained 64 black and white pages with color covers.



01 (00.07.84) - “I lestofanti” (Gino D'Antonio/Gino D'Antonio) (The Crooks)

02 (00.08.84) - “Caccia al ladro” (D'Antonio/Polese) (To Catch a Thief)

03 (00.09.84) - “Acque del sud” (D'Antonio/Alessandro Chiarolla) (Waters of the South)

04 (00.10.84) - “Terra selvaggia” (D'Antonio/Polese) (Wild Land)

05 (00.11.84) - “Squilli di battaglia” (D'Antonio/Polese) (Battle Cries)

06 (00.12.84) - “Sabbie ardenti” (D'Antonio/Polese) (Burning Sands)

07 (00.01.85) - “La scarrozzata” (D'Antonio/Chiarolla) (The Carriage)

08 (00.02.85) - “Facce false” (D'Antonio/Polese) (False Face)

09 (00.03.85) - “Panama” (D'Antonio/Polese) (Panama)

10 (00.04.85) - “Pericolo giallo” (D'Antonio/Gaspare e Gaetano Cassaro) (Yellow Peril)

11 (00.05.85) - “L’uomo della Sierra” (D'Antonio/Freghieri) (The Man of the Sierra)

12 (00.06.85) - “Tradimenti” (D'Antonio/Polese) (Betrayals)

13 (00.07.85) - “Passo di corsa” (D'Antonio/Polese) (Running Pace)

14 (00.08.85) - “Sinfonia mortale” (D'Antonio/Chiarolla) (Deadly Symphony)

15 (00.09.85) - “Pista rossa” (D'Antonio/Freghieri) (Red Track)

16 (00.10.85) - “Mesilla” (D'Antonio/Polese) (Mesilla)

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