Monday, July 8, 2024

European Western Comic Books - Belle Avventure


Belle Avventure

This comic book series contained a total of 154 issues and was released divided into seven series. Non-progressive numbering for Series I and II and progressive numbering for Series III/V and Series VI/VII.

Series I #1 was released on November 18, 1948, ending with #12 ending on May 30, 1949.

Series II #1 was released on August 11, 1949, ending with #48 on July 20,1950.

Series III #1 was released on June 9, 1951, ending with #33 on January 19, 1952.

Series IV #34 was released on February 2, 1952, ending with #45 on April 19, 1952.

Series V #46 was released in 1952 ending with #54 in 1952.

Series VI #1 was released on July 5, 1955, ending with #16 on February 20, 1956.

Series VII #17 was released on March 5, 1956, ending with #40 on February 20, 1957.

Series I: Gey Carioca contained 12 black & white pages with color covers. Gey Carioca (GC), was about an actress skilled in disguises in search of adventures; the screenwriter Max Massimino Garnier and the designer Paul Campani never miss an opportunity to keep her in a baby doll or bikini. She is presented by the publisher as the first Italian comic strip for adults. In the appendix “The Southern Star” by Nino Puglisi (Pug).

Series II: Okey Jim contained 32 black & white pages with color covers. Okey Jim (OJ), was about metropolitan adventures in strip format of the young Jim - with the unmissable checked hat - and the dog Folgor designed by Pietro Gamba (Peter).

Series III: The King’s Drummer contained 32 pages with color covers. The King’s Drummer (TR), was a long historical saga with the adventures of Ambrogino Villa, which starts from the "Five Days of Milan" up to the expedition of the Thousand, and his adventure companions Ruggero Casalbore and Pivaret; written by Cesare Soini and drawn by Leone Cimpellin in 33 issues in strip format.

Series IV: Red Shirt contained 32 black & white pages with color covers. Red Shirt (CR) is the sequel to the previous series which continues for another 12 episodes.

Series V:  The Dominator of the West contained 32 black & white pages with color covers. The Dominator of the West (DW), was a series of western adventures with comics and captions drawn by Nicolino Del Principe, it came out in 9 issues in strip format.

Series VI: The Little Corporal of the 7th Cavalry contained 16 black & white pages with color covers. The Little Corporal of the 7th Cavalry (PC) by Roberto Renzi and Vincenzo Chiomenti. Young Teddy's contained Western Adventures. From this series the series takes on a roll of honor. On the inside stories by GIONNI E GEPPINA and covers by Antonio Terenghi.

Series VII: Davy Crockett contained 16 black and white pages with color covers. Davy Crockett (DC) by Gian Giacomo Dalmasso and Vincenzo Chiomenti. Revisitation of the myth of the trapper hero in a series of 24 books. On the inside covers Fox the Sheriff and other stories drawn by Umberto Manfrin (Manberto).

Images were provided by Nestore Corti.

This comic book was first published in 1948 #1 released on November 18,1948 and ending with 154 on February 20,1957. It was published by Editoriale Subalpino, Edizioni Alpe in Milan, Italy.



Series I Gey Carioca

01 (18.11.48) - “La stella del sud” (The Star of the South)

02 (20.12.48) - “Pazza in volo” (Crazy in Flight)

03 (16.12.48) - “Kappa 28” (Kappa 28)

04 (30.12.48) - “Il castello della paura” (The Castel of Fear)

05 (13.01.49) - “Fantasmi al castello” (Ghosts at the Castle)

06 (27.01.49) - “Roba da matti” (Crazy Stuff)

07 (10.02.49) - “Luna Park” (Luna Park)

08 (24.02.49) - “Tiro a segno” (Shooting)

09 (15.03.49) - “Piede Nero” (Black Foot)

10 (30.03.49) - “Dinamite” (Dynamite)

11 (15.05.49) - “Il treno matto” (The Crazy Train)

12 (30.05.49) - “Hoplà” (Hoplà)


Series II Okey Jim

01 (11.08.49) - “Okey Jim” (Okey Jim)

02 (18.08.49) - “Sospetti” (Suspicions)

03 (25.08.49) - “Folgor all’opera” (Folgor at Work)

04 (03.09.49) - “Catturato” (Captured)

05 (12.09.49) - “Fuga” (Escape)

06 (20.09.49) - “A rompicollo” (A Pain in the Ass)

07 (29.09.49) - “Soccorso” (Rescue)

08 (07.10.49) - “La Gilda” (The Guild)

09 (15.10.49) - “Tradimento” (Betrayal)

10 (23.10.49) - “Corpo del reato” (Body of the Crime)

11 (31.10.49) - “Occhi aperti” (Eyes Open)

12 (07.11.49) - “L’autobus misterioso” (The Mysterious Bus)

13 (15.11.49) - “Lotta nel bosco” (Fight in the Woods)

14 (23.11.49) - “Dollari e falsari” (Dollars and the Counterfeiters)

15 (30.11.49) - “Lo sfregiato” (The Scarred One)

16 (08.12.49) - “L’usta dei falsari” (The Fight Against Counterfeiters)

17 (15.12.49) - “Appuntamento al confine” (Appointment at the Border)

18 (22.12.49) - “Sulle rive del Rio Grande” (On the Banks of the Rio Grande)

19 (29.12.49) - “Audace traversata” (Bold Crossing)

20 (05.01.50) - “Sorpresa a bordo” (Surprise on Board)

21 (12.01.50) - “Il provocatore” (The Provocateur)

22 (19.01.50) - “Il despota” (The Despot)

23 (26.01.50) - “L’accusa” (The Accusation)

24 (02.02.50) - “Fuga notturna” (Night Escape)

25 (09.02.50) - “Una nuova amicizia” (A New Friendship)

26 (16.02.50) - “Phill il vendicativo” (Phil the Vengeful)

27 (23.02.50) - “Generosità” (Generosity)

28 (02.03.50) - “A tu per tu” (Face to Face)

29 (09.03.50) - “Il perdono” (Forgiveness)

30 (16.03.50) - “Triste missione” (Sad Mission)

31 (23.03.50) - “La fattoria del mistero” (The Mystery Farm)

32 (30.03.50) - “Folgor attacca” (Folgor Attacks)

33 (06.04.50) - “L’attacco” (The Attack)

34 (13.04.50) - “Spari sulla prateria” (Shots on the Prairie)

35 (20.04.50) - “Quando comincia il ballo” (When the Dance Begins)

36 (27.04.50) - “Annuncio di tempesta” (Storm Announcement)

37 (04.05.50) - “Sulla pista della Sierra” (On the Sierra Trail)

38 (11.05.50) - “Il fumo rivelatore” (The Telltale Smoke)

39 (18.05.50) - “Nelle mani del nemico” (In the Hands of the Enemy)

40 (25.05.50) - “Passo vietato” (Forbidden Step)

41 (01.06.50) - “Ostilità indiana” (Indian Hostility)

42 (08.06.50) - “Tregua pericolosa” (Dangerous Truth)

43 (15.06.50) - “La vendetta del pellerossa” (The Revenge of the Red Man)

44 (22.06.50) - “Trappola nella prateria” (Trap on the Prairie)

45 (29.06.50) - “Fuga notturna” (Night Escape)

46 (06.07.50) - “La prova del fuoco” (The Trial by Fire)

47 (13.07.50) - “Il patto di Jim” (Jim’s Deal)

48 (20.07.50) - “Ritorno” (Return)


Series III The King’s Drummer

01 [01] (09.06.51) - “Alba di libertà” (Dawn of Freedom)

02 [02] (16.06.51) - “Impresa disperata” (Desperate Enterprise)

03 [03] (23.06.51) - “La spia” (The Spy)

04 [04] (30.06.51) - “L’imboscata” (The Ambush)

05 [05] (07.07.51) - “Piccolo eroe” (Little Hero)

06 [06] (14.07.51) - “Vittoria” (Vittoria)

07 [07] (21.07.51) - “Verso il nuovo destino” (Towards a New Destiny)

08 [08] (28.07.51) - “Tamburino del re” (King’s Frummer Boy)

09 [09] (04.08.51) - “Il battesimo del fuoco” (The Baptism of Fire)

10 [10] (11.08.51) - “Tradimento” (Betrayal)

11 [11] (18.08.51) - “Un’ombra della notte” (A Shadow of the Night)

12 [12] (25.08.51) - “La carica dei trecento” (The Charge of the Three Hundred)

13 [13] (01.09.51) - “Giorni di gloria” (Days of Glory)

14 [14] (08.09.51) - “Tra la morte e la vita” (Between Death and Life)

15 [15] (15.09.51) - “La fine di un sogno” (The End of a Dream)

16 [16] (22.09.51) - “La morte in agguato” (Death Lurks)

17 [17] (29.09.51) - “Fuga sotto il sole” (Escape Under the Sun)

18 [18] (06.10.51) - “Un raggio di sole” (A Ray of Sunshine)

19 [19] (13.10.51) - “La beffa del destino” (The Mockery of Fate)

20 [20] (20.10.51) - “Triste addio” (Sad Farwell)

21 [21] (27.10.51) - “Verso il sud” (Towards the South)

22 [22] (03.11.51) - “I briganti” (The Brigands)

23 [23] (10.11.51) - “Passalampo” (Passalampo)

24 [24] (17.11.51) - “La tana del lupo” (The Wolf’s Lair)

25 [25] (24.11.51) - “Il bosco maledetto” (The Cursed Forest)

26 [26] (01.12.51) - “L’assalto dei briganti” (The Assault of the Brigands)

27 [27] (08.12.51) - “Tragedia sugli Appennini” (Tragedy of the Apennines)

28 [28] (15.12.51) - “L’incontro con Bull” (The Meeting With Bull)

29 [29] (22.12.51) - “Fedeltà” (Loylaty)

30 [30] (29.12.51) - “Situazione terribile” (Terrible Situation)

31 [31] (05.01.52) - “Cuor di donna” (Heart of a Woman)

32 [32] (12.01.52) - “Con l’aiuto di Dio” (With the Help of God)

33 [33] (19.01.52) - “Finale vittorioso” (Victorious Ending)


Serie IV Red Shirt

01 [34] (02.02.52) - “La carrozza nera” (The Black Carriage)

02 [35] (09.02.52) - “Angoscia” (Anguish)

03 [36] (16.02.52) - “Arrestato” (Arrested)

04 [37] (23.02.52) - “Perfidia” (Perfidia)

05 [38] (01.03.52) - “Il fermacarte insanguinato” (The Nloody Paperweight)

06 [39] (08.03.52) - “L’insidia del mare” (The Danger of the Sea)

07 [40] (15.03.52) - “Colpo da maestro” (Master Stroke)

08 [41] (22.03.52) - “Prigioniero” (Prisoner)

09 [42] (29.03.52) - “Il piccolo caporale” (The Little Corporal)

10 [43] (05.04.52) - “Giustizia è fatta” (Justice is Done)

11 [44] (12.04.52) - “Tradimento all’alba” (Betrayal at Dawn)

12 [45] (19.04.52) - “Verso una radiosa aurora” (Towards a Radiant Dawn)


Serie V IL Dominator of the West

01 [46] (00.00.52) - “Il biondino del cantiere” (The Blond Boy from the Construction Site)

02 [47] (00.00.52) - “Sfida al pericolo” (Challenge to Danger)

03 [48] (00.00.52) - “L’atroce beffa” (The Atrocious Hoax)

04 [49] (00.00.52) - “Agente segreto” (Secret Agent)

05 [50] (00.00.52) - “Lotta a oltranza” (Fight to the Bitter End)

06 [51] (00.00.52) - “L’indiano di Red Creeck” (The Indian of Red Creek)

07 [52] (00.00.52) - “Laccio al collo” (Lace Around the Neck)

08 [53] (00.00.52) - “La diligenza di Salt Lake” (The Salt Lake Stagecoach)

09 [54] (00.00.52) - “L’ultima cartuccia” (The Last Cartridge)


Serie VI IL The Little Corporal of the 7th Cavalry

01 [01] (05.07.55) - “La pattuglia del deserto” (The Desert Patrol)

02 [02] (20.07.55) - “Assedio spietato” (Merciless Siege)

03 [03] (05.08.55) - “L’estremo tentativo” (The Last Attempt)

04 [04] (20.08.55) - “I contrabbandieri” (The Smugglers)

05 [05] (05.09.55) - “Duello mortale” (Deadly Duel)

06 [06] (20.09.55) - “La cascata della morte” (The Waterfall of Death)

07 [07] (05.10.55) - “Senza speranza” (Without Hope)

08 [08] (20.10.55) - “L’ultima partita” (The Last Match)

09 [09] (05.11.55) - “Nella morsa” (In the Grip)

10 [10] (20.11.55) - “Lo sceriffo nero” (The Black Sheriff)

11 [11] (05.12.55) - “La valle di granito” (The Granite Valley)

12 [12] (20.12.55) - “Il pozzo degli spiriti” (The Well of Spirits)

13 [13] (05.01.56) - “La minaccia indiana” (The Indian Threat)

14 [14] (20.01.56) - “Il quadrato della morte” (The Square of Death)

15 [15] (05.02.56) - “L’attentato” (The attack)

16 [16] (20.02.56) - “Il cerchio indiano” (The Indian Circle)


Serie VII Davy Crockett

01 [17] (05.03.56) - “Il re della frontiera selvaggia” (The King of the Wild Frontier)

02 [18] (20.03.56) - “Il guado delle Rocce Rosse” (The Ford of the Red Rocks)

03 [19] (05.04.56) - “Battaglia a Red Castle” (Battle at Red Castle)

04 [20] (20.04.56) - “La valle degli orsi” (The Valley of the Bears)

05 [21] (05.05.56) - “Criniere al vento” (Manes in the Wind)

06 [22] (20.05.56) - “Una partita a poker” (A Game of Poker)

07 [23] (05.06.56) - “La pista dei castori” (The Beaver Trail)

08 [24] (20.06.56) - “La banda di Tallahoma” (The Tallahoma Gang)

09 [25] (05.07.56) - “La sconfitta dei Creek” (The Defeat of the Creeks)

10 [26] (20.07.56) - “Frecce sul fiume” (Arrows in the River)

11 [27] (05.08.56) - “La mandria dei bisonti” (The Herd of Bison)

12 [28] (20.08.56) - “Il canalone della morte” (The Gully of Death)

13 [29] (05.09.56) - “La danza dello stregone” (The Sorcerer’s Death)

14 [30] (20.09.56) - “Il ponte sospeso” (The Suspension Bridge)

15 [31] (05.10.56) - “La cittadella di Bunk” (The Citadel of Bunk)

16 [32] (20.10.56) - “La voragine ardente” (The Burning Chasm)

17 [33] (05.11.56) - “Il tomahawk misterioso” (The Mystrious Tomahawk)

18 [34] (20.11.56) - “Piano infernale” (Infernal Plane)

19 [35] (05.12.56) - “Colpi di fucile” (Rifle Shots)

20 [36] (20.12.56) - “La pistola rotante” (The Rotating Gun)

21 [37] (05.01.57) - “I Razziatori” (The Reapers)

22 [38] (20.01.57) - “La locanda del toro” (The Bull Inn)

23 [39] (05.02.57) - “L’evaso di Blake Hill” (Blake Hill’s Escape)

24 [40] (20.02.57) - “L’indiana rapita” (The Kidnapped Indian)

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