Monday, July 22, 2024

European Western Comic Books – Big Davy


Big Davy

This Western comic book series is based on the figure of Davy Crockett. Due to the simultaneous publication of the Davy Crockett series in the Belle Avventure series by Edizioni Alpe, the Publisher changes the title of the magazine to Big Davy. Texts were by Gian Luigi Bonelli; drawings and covers were by Renzo Calegari. The appendix presents some stories previously published by the same publisher: “The Traitor” by Mario Faustinelli and Hugo Pratt (# 1/15), “Il prof. Distrattoni” by Guido Da Passano (#15) and “Gli adoratori del Diavolo” by Gian Luigi Bonelli and Enrico Bagnoli (# 16/21).

The comic book was in Milan, Italy by SBE.Audace from June 16, 1957 to November 3, 1957 under the direction of Tea Bonelli


01 (16.06.57) - “Il segno del corvo” (The Sign of the Raven)

02 (23.06.57) - “Occhio perduto” (Lost Eye)

03 (30.06.57) - “I volontari della morte” (The Volunteers of Death)

04 (07.07.57) - “Disperata difesa” (Desperate Defense)

05 (14.07.57) - “Pioggia di fuoco” (Rain of Fire)

06 (21.07.57) - “Agguato sul fiume” (Ambush on the River)

07 (28.07.57) - “Sulle tracce dei rinnegati” (On the Trail of the Renegades)

08 (04.08.57) - “Verso il palo di tortura” (Towards the Torture Stake)

09 (11.08.57) - “La sfida di Falco Nero” (The Challenge of Black Hawk)

10 (18.08.57) - “Attacco notturno” (Night Attack)

11 (25.08.57) - “I razziatori” (The Raiders)

12 (01.09.57) - “Ignobile mercato” (Ignoble Market)

13 (08.09.57) - “Il canyon degli agguati” (Ambush Canyon)

14 (15.09.57) - “Sulle tracce dei rapitori” (On the Trail of the Kidnappers)

15 (22.09.57) - “Una fiesta interrotta” (An Interrupted Fiesta)

16 (29.09.57) - “Un incontro imprevisto” (An Unexpected Meeting)

17 (06.10.57) - “Sangue sulla prateria” (Blood on the Prairie)

18 (13.10.57) - “Attacco a Palo Blanco” (Attack on Palo Blanco)

19 (20.10.57) - “La danza della scure” (The Dance of the Axe)

20 (27.10.57) - “Tragica beffa” (Tragic Hoax)

21 (03.11.57) - “Morte all’alba” (Death at Dawn)

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