Thursday, June 6, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Giovanni Bufalini

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Giovanni Bufalini was born in Orvieto, Umbria, Italy. He’s a producer; director, assistant director, writer, film actor, brother of actor Francesco Bufalini.

He’s also the director of a live western place called Colt – Trail to Lone Town produced by Spaghetti LARP in 2021.

Bufalini is a member of C.O.L.T. Western LARP a group of Old West reenactors and film actors who have constructed their own western set and put on different western stage productions.

Giovanni has appeared in five Spaghetti westerns: “ Se il mondo intorno crepa” (If the World Dies) in 2013 as Marshal County; “Sotto il cielo del west” in 2016 as a longhaired cowboy; “Resurrection” in 2017 as a killer and where he also helped write the story and screenplay; “Never Dies” in 2020 where he plays a cowboy and which he also directed and wrote; and “Black Town” in 2022 where he portrays Lieutenant Harris.

BUFALINI, Giovanni [12/11/1973, Orvieto, Umbria, Italy -     ] – producer; director, assistant director, writer, film actor, brother of writer, actor Francesco Bufalini, married to ? (2017-    ).

If the World Died – 2013 (Marshal County)

Sotto il cielo del west – 2016 (longhaired cowboy)

Resurrection – 2017 (killer) [writer]

Never Dies – 2020 (cowboy) [director, writer]

Black Town – 2022 (Lieutenant Harris)

Django Undisputed - 2024 (bandit) 

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