Thursday, October 5, 2023

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Raquel Barleycorn

 [These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Raquel Barleycorn is/was a black actress with one credit and that was for the Spanish/Italian co-produced Spaghetti western, “La Mia Colt ti cerca... 4 ceri ti aspettano” (4 Candles for My Colt) directed by Ignacio Iquino and starring Robert Woods. In the film she plays the cigarette girl who works in the saloon owned by Chris Huerta.

She was apparently a track and field athlete who competed for a position on the 1954 Spanish Pentathlon team. She was married (?) to legendary Spanish pole vaulter Ignacio Sola Cortabarría [1944-    ] who appeared in the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games and the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games. Together they had a daughter Raquel Sola Barleycorn.

Unfortunately, I can find no other biographical information on her. I’ve left a message on Facebook for Raquel Sola Barleycorn and will update this post if I receive a reply.

BARLEYCORN, Raquel – pentathlon athlete, film actress, married to Olympic pole vaulter Ignacio Sola Cortabarria [1944-    ] (19??-    ), mother of Raquel Sola Barleycorn.

4 Candles for My Colt – 1971 (Aona)

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