Saturday, October 7, 2023

“After a Thousand Shots It's Over”


Acht dosen westwarts – German title

Dopo mille colpi è finite – Spanish title

After a Thousand Shots It's Over – English title


A 2023 German short film production [

Producers: Gunnar Grah, Andreas Kersten, Florian Rau

Director: Gunnar Grah, Andreas Kersten, Florian Rau

Story: Gunnar Grah, Andreas Kersten, Florian Rau

Screenplay: Gunnar Grah, Andreas Kersten, Florian Rau

Cinematography: Florian Rau [Eastmancolor, Kromascope]

Music: Fabian Koppri

Running time: 8 minutes



Alastair Smithee – Gunnar Grah

Ranger - Andreas Kersten

Charles Nansen - Florian Rau

America in the 1860’s after the Civil War. Where the good and the bad are both ugly, but a trail of tin cans could lead to riches of gold – or leaden doom.

Shot on Super 8 in the newly developed KromaScope widescreen process, this film seems like the concentrated essence of the Italo-Western. Roughneck scoundrels meet each other in a landscape stretched to the wilderness and are neither too fine for gunfights nor for strange sayings. A film that congenially blends homage and parody.

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