Monday, November 11, 2019

European Western Comic Books ~Ric-Rac

Albi Mignon (Ric-Rac)

Ric-Rac was a 1948 comic book publication with 18 issues beginning with #1 on October 7, 1948 and ending on December 20, 1950. Published by Panorama Publishing in Florence, Italy under the direction of Ernesto Varol. The series covers the adventures of a couple of western boys divided into two parts. The first, with the subtitle Gli Allegri Bambini (nos. 1/12), and the second with Giovani Atomici (nn. 13/18) where the protagonists became teenagers. Texts by Lascial (nos. 1/12), drawings by Angelo Platania (Frost) (nos. 1/12). The first numbers come out as a supplement to "Popular Enigmistica".

01 (07.10.48) - “Ric-Rac e la cicogna” (“Ric-Rac and the Stork”)
02 (21.10.48) - “Ric-Rac e l’elefante” (“Ric-Rac and the Elephant”)
03 (04.11.48) - “Ric-Rac e l’orso bruno” (“Ric-Rac and the Brown Bear”)
04 (18.11.48) - “Ric-Rac e il canguro” (“Ric-Rac and the Kangaroo”)
05 (02.12.48) - “Ric-Rac e il pinguino” (“Ric-Rac and the Penguin”)
06 (16.12.49) - “Ric-Rac e la foca” (“Ric-Rac and the Seal”)
07 (19.03.49) - “Ric-Rac nel mistero del vecchio rancho” (“Ric-Rac in the Mystery of the Old
08 (00.00.49) - “Ric-Rac e i lupi della prateria” (“Ric-Rac and the Prairie Wolves”)
09 (00.00.49) - “Ric-Rac e il segreto di Penna Azzurra” (“Ric-Rac and the Secret of Penna
10 (00.00.49) - “Ric-Rac nella città incantata” (“Ric-Rac in the Enchanted City”)
11 (02.07.49) - “Ric-Rac e la pagoda d’oro” (“Ric-Rac and the Golden Pagoda”)
12 (00.00.49) - “Ric-Rac e il gigante della jungla” (“Ric-Rac and the Jungle Giant”)
13 (00.00.49) - “Ric-Rac e lo scrigno misterioso” (“Ric-Rac and the Mysterious Casket”)
14 (15.12.49) - “Ric-Rac al torneo magico” (“Ric-Rac to the Magic Tournament”)
15 (01.01.50) - “Ric-Rac contro il mago Giuliano” (“Ric-Rac Against the Magician Giuliano”)
16 (00.00.50) - “La scomparsa di Ric” (“The Disappearance of Ric”)
17 (00.00.50) - “Ric-Rac contro i banditi” (“Ric-Rac Against the Bandits”)
18 (00.00.50) - “L’aereo razzo di Ric-Rac” (“The Ric-Rac Rocket Plane”)

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