Sunday, July 14, 2019

Spaghetti Western Locations for “The Relentless Four”

We continue our hunt for filming locations for “The Relentles Four”. Ranger Sam Garrett is in jail waiting to be hanged the following morning.  With the help of a friend he’s able to devise a plan to lure Deputy Vince into his cell to see what a note says that came through the barred window of the jail cell. When Vince goes into the cell he finds the note is a blank piece of paper. Garrett pretends a bar of soap is a hidden gun and disarms the deputies. He locks them in the cell and then the sheriff comes in. Demanding Garrett’s gun he walks slowly towards the sheriff but a rifle shot through the window by the unseen Lobo disarms the sheriff and Garrett makes his escape. Knocking out the post guard at the front door he jumps on his horse and rides away.

This scene was film at the at the western town set Poblado Lega y Michelena, Colmenar Viejo, Spain.

For a more detailed view of this site and other Spaghetti Western locations please visit my friend Yoshi Yasuda’s location site: and Captain Douglas Film Locations

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