Monday, June 10, 2019

European Western Comic Books ~ Poppy Dick

ALBI DELL’ARDIMENTOSO ILLUSTRATO (3) ALBUMS DELL'ARDIMENTOSO ILLUSTRATO (Poppy Dik - Teddy and Dolly - The Man of Fire - Charlot - Tony and Lillly - Little Margaret - The Daughter of the Sultan - The Son of Fantomas - Joe Red - Ted Storm)

This was a yearly publication containing a year’s worth of issues of various comic book characters. It was published in 1947 by EIA publishers at the Illustrated American Editions publishing house in Rome. It was in black and white with color covers.

Each strip contained am individual series which were divided into 10 series of characters. Each series included a different amount of outputs, ranging from a single strip to a maximum of six. Inaugurated by POPPY DIK, followed by TEDDY AND DOLLY, THE MAN OF FIRE, TED STORM, CHARLOT, TONY AND TILLY, THE SMALL MARGARET and Myriam THE DAUGHTER OF THE SULTANO for the texts and drawings of Antope, THE SON OF FANTOMAS and JOE RED, by Virginio Orsolini. Although slightly larger than the normal strip format, and probably only local distribution, these are the first strip albums released in Italy.
Images by Antonio Farina, Editorial Staff.

Only the Poppy Dik was western related.

Series I - POPPY DIK
01 (00.03.47) - “La figlia dello sceriffo” (The Sheriff’s Daughter)
02 (00.03.47) - “Il ricatto” (The Blackmail)
03 (00.03.47) - “L’asino meraviglia” (The Donkey Wonder)
04 (00.04.47) - “Gli indiani” (The Indians)
05 (00.04.47) - “Il mistero del Gran Canyon” (The Mystery of the Grand Canyon)
06 (00.04.47) - “La fine di Toro-Sudato” (The End of Sweaty-Bull)

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