Friday, February 6, 2009


I got a call from our Human Resources Dept. today with an early retirement package offer. After seeing what I would bring home after taxes and sacrificing to take early Social Security I turned it down and hope to finish out another 2-3 years of work. I always hoped to retire early but now that the time is drawing near it's a bit scary. What ever you decide is it. You don't get a second chance and unless you want to go look for another job to fill the void your stuck. Thankfully I saved my 401K plan in August of last year before the world crash so that's in good shape. I loved telling them I'm too young to retire yet. Hope everyone has a great weekend


  1. One thing about retirement. When you do decide to retire it needs to be on your terms and most importantly....when you want to.

    Hang in there, my friend.

  2. I don't have any experience with this sort of thing, yet; but, I certainly believe in what our compadre, Jangoz, says, Tom!
    I think you made the right move, amigo!
    Don't let 'em push you around!
