Monday, June 17, 2024

European Western Comic Books – il Mensile di Barbapapà


Barbapapa's Monthly

This comic book was a monthly magazine edited by Vezio Melegari which presented in comics the successful cartoon series created by Annette Tison and Talus Taylor. In this version, the authors themselves produce the stories which in the issues are integrated with others created by Massimo Marconi and Massimo Dotta. Awarded in 1978 at the Bordighera International Humor Exhibition, organized by Cesare Perfetto, with one of the Palme d'Or Coppers, the monthly magazine was widely distributed with sales peaks of over 200,000 copies.

The magazine was published in 1976by AMO (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore) with issue #1 released in December of that year and it ended with issue #100 in March of 1985. It was published in Milan, Italy under the direction of Arrigo Polillo and Gaudenzio Capelli. Each issue contained 28-44 black and white pages with color covers.


01 (00.12.76) – “Con un favoloso poster” (With a Fabulous Poster)

02 (00.01.77) - "Mistero in dispensa" (Mystery in the Pantry)

03 (00.02.77) - "Peppistrello ha colpito ancora!" (Peppistrello Has Struck Again!)

04 (00.03.77) - "La gran festa dei giocattoli" (The Great Toy Festival)

05 (00.04.77) - "Barbazò medico dello zoo" (Barbazò Zoo Doctor)

06 (00.05.77) - "Il mistero delle uova rotte!" (The Mystery of the Broken Eggs!)

09 (00.08.77) - "Il mistero del salvadenaio" (The Mystery of the Piggy Bank)

10 (00.09.77) – “Numero 10” (Number 10)

11 (00.10.77) - "La mostra canina" (The Dog Show)

12 (00.11.77) - "Un grido nella valle" (A Cry in the Valley)

13 (00.12.77) – “Buon Natale (Merry christmas)

14 (00.01.78) - "Barbabravo e la magia" (Barbabravo the Magician)

15 (00.02.78) - "Tutti in scena!" (Everyone on Stage!)

17 (00.04.78) – “Contiene un poster! (Contains a Poster)

18 (00.05.78) – “Brava Barbamamma” (Brave Barbamamma)

19 (00.06.78) – “Numero 11” (Number 11)

20 (00.07.78) - "Dramma sulla spiaggia" (Drama on the Beach)

21 (00.08.78) - "L'iceberg" (The Iceberg)

22 (00.09.78) – “Numero 22” (Number 22)

23 (00.10.78) – “Numero 23” (Number 23)

24 (00.11.78) – “Numero 24” (Number 24)

25 (00.12.78) – “Buon natale a tutti I cari barbalettori!” (Merry Christmas to All Dear Barbers)

26 (00.01.79) – “Numero 26” (Number 26)

27 (00.02.79) – “Contiene un barbafavloloso” (Contains a Fabulous Beard)

28 (00.03/79) – “Numero 28” (Number 28)

29 (00.04.79) – “Contiene un poster barbapasquale!” (Contains a Barbasquale Poster)

30 (00.05.79) – “Evviva le mamme” (Long Live Mothers)

31 (00.06.79) – “Numero 31” (Number 31)

32 (00.07.79) – “Contiene un bellisimo Barbagioco” (Contains a Beautiful Barbagioco)

33 (00.08.79) – “Con un poster favoloso” (With a Fabulous Poster)

34 (00.09.79) – “Con un doppio super poste” (Double issue)

35 (00.10.79) - "Il quinto moschettiere" (The Fifth Musketeer)

36 (00.11.79) – “Grande concorso delle castagne” (The Great Chestnut Competition)

37 (00.12.79) – “Mille barbaugiri a Tutti quanti!” (A Thousand Cheers to Everyone)

38 (00.01.60) – “Felice 1980!” (Happy 1980!)

39 (00.02.80) - "Speciale Carnevale" (Carnival Special)

40 (00.03.80) – “Numero 40” (Number 40)

41 (00.04.80) – “Contiene un barba-poster!! – (Contains a Beared Poster)

42 (00.05.80) – “Con un favoloso poster” – (With a Fabulous Poster)

43 (00.06.80) – “BB” (BB)

44 (00.07.80) – “Con un favoloso poster” (Contains a Fabulous Poster)

45 (00.08.80) – ?

46 (00.09.80) - “Contiene un fantastic poster di barbazo!” (Contains a Fantastic Barbazo Poster)

47 (00.10.80) - ?

48 (00.11.80) - ?

49 (00.12.80) – “A tutti buon natale buon anno!” (Merry Christmas to Everyone, Happy New Year)

50 (00.01.81) – “La macchina del tempo” (The Time Machine)

51 (00.02.81) - ?

52 (00.03.81) – “Numero 52” (Number 52)

53 (00.04.81) – “Con un favoloso barba-poster” (With a Fabulous Barba Poster)

54 (00.05.81) – “Ritornano le barbafigurine” (The Bearded Figurines are Back)

55 (00.06.81) – “Con un poster doppio” (With a Double Poster)

56 (00.07.81) – “Grazie Barbo Polo!” (Thanks Barbo Polo)

57 (00.08.81) – “Tra i condor” (Between the Condors)

58 (00.09.81) – “La torre antica” (The Ancient Tower)

59 (00.10.81) – “Con un bel barba-poster” (With a Nice Beard Poster)

60 (00.11.81) – “Le contre marine” (The Counter Marine)

61 (00.12.81) – “Numero 61” (Number 61)

62 (00.01.82) – “In regalo: un barba-libro” (As a Gift a Beard Book)

63 (00.02.82) – “Tornano le Barbafigurine! (Tornano the Figurine Returns)

64 (00.03.82) – “Numero 64” (Number 64)

65 (00.04.82) – ?

66 (00.05.82) - ?

67 (00.06.82) - ?

68 (00.07.82) – “In regalo – un barbaposter” (As a Gift a Barba Poster)

69 (00.08.82) - "Il genio della lampada" (The Genie of the Lamp)

70 (00.09.82) – “Numero 70” (Number 70)

71 (00.10.82) - “Numero 71” (Number 71)

72 (00.11.82) - “Numero 72” (Number 72)

73 (00.12.82) – “Buon natale” (Merry Christsmas)

74 (00.01.83) – “Buon 1983) (Happy New Year 1983)

75 (00.02.83) – “Raccolta di primavera” (Speing Harvest)

76 (00.03.83) – “Numero 76” (Number 76)

77 (00.04.83) – “Un avantura "Pasquale", un trofei piu' belli” (A "Pasquale" adventure, more beautiful trophies)

78 (00.05.84) – “Numero 78” (Number 78)

79 (00.06.83) – “Numero 79” (Number 79)

80 (00.07.83) – “Numero 80” (Number 80)

81 (00.08.83) – “Numero 81” (Number 81)

82 (00.09.83) – “Numero 82” (Number 82)

83 (00.10.83) – “Numero 83 D'Artacan (1)” (D'Artacan #1)

84 (00.11.83) – “Numero 84 D'Artacan (2)” (D'Artacan #2)

85 (00.12.83) – “Numero 85 D'Artacan (3)” (D'Artacan #3)

86 (00.01.84) – “Numero 86 (D'Artacan (4)” (D'Artacan #4)

87 (00.02.84) – “Numero 87 (D'Artacan (5)” (D'Artacan #5)

88 (00.03.84) – “Numero 88 Raccolta di primavera (D'Artacan (6)” (Spring Harvest D'Artacan #6)

89 (00.04.84) – “Numero 89 (D'Artacan (7)” (D'Artacan #7)

90 (00.05.84) – “Numero 90 (D'Artacan (8)” (D'Artacan #8)

91 (00.06.84) – “Numero 91 (D'Artacan (9)” (D'Artacan #9)

92 (00.07.84) – “Numero 92 Gioca con noi” (Play with us)

93 (00.08.84) – “Numero 93 Gioca con noi” (Play with us)

94 (00.09.84) – “Numero 94 Gioca con noi” (Play with us)

95 (00.10.84) – “Numero 95 Gioca con noi” (Play with us)

96 (00.11.84) – “Numero 96 Gioca con noi” (Play with us)

97 (00.12.84) - “Numero 97 Gioca con noi” (Play with us)

98 (00.01.85) – “W il 1985! Buon anno!” (It's 1985! Happy New Year!_

99 (00.02.85) – “Numero 99” (Number 99)

100 (00.03.85) - Allegria !, Allegria !, arriva pasqua ! (Cheer!, Cheer!, Easter is coming!)

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