Monday, December 5, 2022

European Western Comic Books - Albi nuove avventure - Tascabili (Il Gran Capo Bakalon - Genny la Volante - Lone Ranger - Il Cavaliere Rosso - Colpo di Fulmine)


NEW ADVENTURES BOOKS: Pocket size (The Grand Chief Bakalon - Genny the Flying - Lone Ranger - The Red Knight - Lightning Strike)

A pocket edition of the Albi nuove adventure series featuring: The Adventures of the Big Chief Bakalon (Big Chief Wahoo) (UK) by Allen Saunders and Elmer Woggon; Genny la Volante (Flyin 'Jenny) (GV) by Russell Keaton; Charles Flanders' Lone Ranger (LR); Fred Harman's The Red Knight (Red Ryder) (CR); Colpo du fulmine (Hopalong Cassidy) (CF),  Tom Mix and Dick Montes (Monte Hale) (DM), all taken from Fawcett's comic books, with texts by Otto Binder and Paul S. Newman and drawings by Carl Pfeufer and John Jordan . And again, The Masked Ghost (The Phantom) (FM), Pippo il Parastafeste  (PG) and the Four Boys (4R). The comic book series was published in 1948 with issue #1 released on MaY 23, 1948 and ended with issue #26 in July 1949. It was published in Firenze, Italy by Corrado Tedeschi Editore under the direction of Corrado Tedeschi. Each issue consisted of 32 black and white pages with color covers.



01 (23.05.48) - “La base segreta” (GV) (The Secret Base)

02 (30.05.48) - “La grande battaglia” (GV) (The Great Battle)

03 (19.06.48) - “Il cavallo selvaggio” (GB) (The Wild Horse)

04 (26.06.48) - “La Maga Rossa” (FM) (The Red Maga)

05 (03.07.48) - “La corsa dei cani” (GB) (The Dog Race)

06 (10.07.48) - “Brividi in jeep” (PG) (Chills in Jeep)

07 (07.08.48) - “La roccia del tesoro” (4R) (The Treasure Rock)

08 (14.08.48) - “La carovana del tesoro” (LR) (The Treasure Caravan)

09 (21.08.48) - “La freccia rossa” (LR) (The Red Arrow)

10 (28.08.48) - "L’accusato" (CF) (The Accused)

11 (25.09.48) - "La "gang" della Freccia Nera (LR) (The “Gang” of the Black Arrow)

12 (02.10.48) - "Tre contro la morte" (LR) (Three Against Death)

13 (09.10.48) - "L’assalto alla carovana” (LR) (The Assault on the Caravan)

14 (16.10.48) - "Il mistero del cadavere scomparso" (LR) (The Mystery of the Missing


15 (23.10.48) - "Il biglietto ingannatore" (CR) (The Deceptive Ticket)

16 (30.10.48) - "La valigia della morte" (CF) (The Suitcase of Death)

17 (06.11.48) - "Il fantasma della caverna" (LR) (The Ghost of the Cave)

18 (13.11.48) - "L’infame ricatto" (CR) (The Infamous Blackmail)

19 (20.11.48) - "Fiamme tra il grano" (LR) (Flames Among the Wheat)

20 (27.11.48) - "Colpo di fulmine" (CF) (Love at First Sight)

21 (00.00.00)

22 (00.00.00)

23 (00.03.49) - “La caccia allo sciacallo” (DM) (The Hunt for the Jackal)

24 (00.04.49) - “La lotta per la terra” (CF) (The Fight for the Land)

25 (00.06.49) - “La città fantasma” (DM) (The Ghost Town)

26 (00.07.49) - “Colpo di fulmine” (CF) (Love at First Sight)

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