Monday, February 10, 2020

European Western Comic Books ~ Albi Urra (Red Ryder - Vic Flint - Liliana - Gordon Fife - Buffalo Bill)

This comic nook series was inaugurated by Fred Harman's Red Ryder (RR); from #8 appears Vic Flint (VF) by Ernest Lynn (Michael O’Malley) and Ralph Lane, which alternates with Red Ryder. Beginning with #19 debuts Liliana (Connie) (LI) by Frank Godwin, in #27 Gordon Fife (GF) by Bob Moore and Carl Pfeufer and #29 Buffalo Bill (BB) by R. Giffey. Announced but never published #35, "The Phantom Diligence", dedicated to Castoretto, Red Ryder’s partner. The series continued with a new series featuring Tarzan.

The comic book was first published on January 18, 1947 and continued until January 4, 1948. It was published by The World Editions in Milan, Italy under the direction of D. Romanelli and released on a weekly basis. Each issue contained 12 black and white pages with color covers.

01 (18.02.47) - “Zanna Acuta” (RR) (Sharp Fang)
02 (25.02.47) - “La valle del terrore” (RR) (The Valley of Terror)
03 (15.03.47) - “Il lupo maledetto” (RR) (The Cursed Wolf)
04 (22.03.47) - “La città dell’oro” (RR) (The City of Gold)
05 (29.03.47) - “Tre dita” (RR) (Three Fingers)
06 (05.04.47) - “La volpe” (RR) (The Fox)
07 (12.04.47) - “Pietro il pirata” (RR) (Peter the Pirate)
08 (17.04.47) - “La perla maledetta” (VF) (The Cursed Pearl)
09 (07.05.47) - “Joe il baro” (RR) (Joe the Cheater)
10 (17.05.47) - “L’attimo della morte” (VF) (The Moment of Death)
11 (09.06.47) - “I fuorilegge di Rimrok” (RR) (Rimrok’s Outlaws)
12 (19.06.47) - “Il mistero del rapido” (The Mystery of the Rapids)
13 (09.07.47) - “L’antro dei bufali” (RR) (The Buffalo Cave)
14 (19.07.47) - “La prigione del cobra” (RR) (The Cobra Prison)
15 (05.08.47) - “Agguato al Forte Ellis” (RR) (Ambush at Fort Ellis)
16 (20.08.47) - “La sponda aurifera” (RR) (The Golden Shore)
17 (10.09.47) - “Il fantasma” (RR) (The Ghost)
18 (20.09.47) - “Il ladro invisibile” (RR) (The Invisible Thief)
19 (30.09.47) - “All’erta a Venere” (LI) (Alert to Venus)
20 (10.10.47) - “Il tradimento di Zeeglun” (LI) (The Betrayal of Zeeglun)
21 (20.10.47) - “I conquistatori dell’atomo” (LI) (The Conquerors of the Atom)
22 (10.11.47) - “La pattuglia eroica” (The Heroic Patrol)
23 (20.11.47) - “Per l’onore” (RR) (For Honor)
24 (30.11.47) - “Meteora” (LI) (Meteor)
25 (10.12.47) - “Il castello del terrore” (LI) (The Castle of Terror)
26 (20.12.47) - “Sonia la spia!” (LI) (Sonia the Spy)
27 (30.12.47) - “Lo specchio azzurro” (GF) (The Blue Mirror)
28 (10.01.48) - “Ingrid, l’ultima Valkyria” (Leporini) (Ingrid, the Last Valkyra)
29 (20.01.48) - “Lo sparviero” (BB) (The Sparrowhawk)
30 (30.01.48) - “Aquila Bianca” (BB) (White Eagle)
31 (10.02.48) - “Le montagne della morte” (BB) (The Mountains of Death)
32 (05.03.48) - “Il colle della luna” (BB) (The Hills of the Moon)
33 (15.03.48) - “Appuntamento alla boa” (VF) (Appointment at the Buoy)
34 (01.04.48) - “La freccia avvelenata” (VF) (The Poisoned Arrow)

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