Wednesday, August 18, 2010


La marca de Cain – Spanish title
Non uccidevano mai la Domenica – Italian title
La haine des desperados – French title
Les desperados – French title
Die Todesreiter – German title
The Desperados! – U.S.A. title

A 1969 U.S.A., Spanish co-production [Meadway Production, Columbia Pictures (Hollywood)]
Producer: Irving Allen
Director: Henry Levin
Story: Clarke Reynolds
Screenplay: Walter Brough
Cinematography: Sam Leavitt (Samuel Leavitt) [Technicolor]
Music: David Whitaker
Running time: 91 minutes

David Galt - Vince Edwards (Vincent Zoino)
Parson Josiah Galt - Jack Palance (Volodymyr Palahnyuk, Jr.)
Jacob Galt - George Maharis (George Maharias)
Marshal Kilpatrick - Neville Brand
Laura Galt - Sylvia Sims
Adam Galt - Christian Roberts
Haller - Patrick Holt (Patrick Parsons)
Adah - Kate O’Mara
Carlin - Kenneth Cope
Sheriff Lacey - John Paul
Todd - John Clarke
Emily Galt -Sheila Burrell
Pauly Galt - Benjamin Edney
Gregg - Christopher Malcolm
Deputy Tate - David Thompson
Jennison - Elliott Sullivan

Parson Josiah Galt and two of his sons, David and Jacob team up with a band of guerillas who go on a murderous rampage. David decides not to be a part of this and starts a new life with a wife and son. His life is prosperous and things are working out well for him and his family. Parson Galt, Jacob and the guerillas come after David, killing his wife and kidnapping his son. David must track them down and kill them in order to save his own child from harm. With the help of his friend, the local sheriff, he tracks the band down and must face his father in a final duel to save the life of his son.

[Jeffrey Hunter had signed to co-star in this film was died from a fall before filming began.]

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