Monday, April 1, 2024

European Western Comic Books – Le Grandi Avventure del West (I Tre Bill - Gordon Jim - Mani in Alto! - Rio Kid - Yuma Kid - Za La Mort - Il Sergente York - Il Cavaliere Nero - Il ritorno dei Tre Bill - El Kid - Cherry Brandy - La Pattuglia dei Bufali - Yado - Big Davy - Rocky Star)


Great Western Adventures: The Three Bills, Gordon Jim, Hands Up!, Rio Kid, Yuma Kid Za La Mort, Sergeant York, The Black Knight, The Return of the Three Bills, The Kid, Cherry Brandy, The Buffalo Patrol, Yado, Big Davy, Rocky Star

The series consisted of 132 numbered issues divided into 10 series.

Serie I #1 (April 1, 1954) to #9 (August 1, 1954)

Serie II #1 (1954) #6 (December 1, 1954)

Serie III #1 (April 1, 1955) #21 (January 15, 1956)

Serie IV #1 (February 1, 1956) #9 (June 1. 1956)

Serie V #1 (June 15, 1956) #12 (December 1, 1956)

Serie VI #1 (December 15, 1956) #15 (July 15, 1957)

Serie VII #1 (August 1, 1957) #18 (April 26, 1958)

Serie VIII # 1 (May 1, 1958) #14 (November 15, 1958)

Serie IX #1 (November 22, 1958) #14 (June 15, 1959)

Serie X #1 (July 1, 1959) #14 (January 15, 1960)

Series I: was a reprint of I TRE BILL (The Three Bills) by Giovanni Benvenuti (ZENIT series, V series #1/27, 1952/53). The covers were by Aurelio Galleppini.

Series II: GORDON JIM another reprint by Rinaldo D'Ami (Roy D'Amy) (ZENIT series, IV series #1/18, 1952). Covers were by A. Galleppini and R. D'Amy.

Series III: a reprint of HANDS UP! (I series #1/48, 1949/50; II series #1/16, 1950).

In this series the writing HANDS UP! it appears first as the masthead and then always on the cover, in brackets, in typeface, under the title of each issue. Covers were by Rinaldo D'Ami.

Red Series IV: RIO KID a reprint in #1/3 and YUMA KID in #4/9 (ZENIT Series #1/9, 1953; ARCO Series #1/18, 1953). Covers were by Rinaldo D'Ami. The subtitle of the books is HANDS UP!

Series V Green: a reprint of ZA LA MORT (ARCO series #1/24, 1953/54). The books 1-6 contain the first series, the following ones the second. Covers were by Rinaldo D'Ami.

Series VI Yellow: a reprint of SERGEANT YORK (ZENIT series #1/15, 1955). Covers were by Rinaldo D'Ami.

Series VII Apache: in #1/9 reprint THE BLACK KNIGHT (FIAMMA series #1/26, 1953/54). From page 19 of the #9 reprint THE RETURN OF THE THREE BILLS (ZENIT series #1/18 #1/9, 1955/56). The covers were by Emilio Uberti and Franco Bignotti.

Series VIII Yuma: in #1/8 reprint EL KID (ARCO series #1/15, 1955/56). In the #9/14 reprint CHERRY BRANDY (ARCO series #1/18, 1956). The covers were by Emilo Uberti and Franco Bignotti.

Series IX Coyote: in #1/8 reprint LA PATTUGLIA DEI BUFALI (ARCO series # 1/16 and #1/5, 1957, and in appendix to KOCISS, I series #1/15, 1957). From #9 to 14 YADO reprint were already published in the appendix to TEX strip from the Kansas series to the Mefisto series. The covers were by Franco Bignotti.

Series X Bisonte: in the #1/7 reprint BIG DAVY (ARCO series #1/21, 1957). Starting from page 9 of the #7 reprint ROCKY STAR (ARCO series #1/24, 1957/58).

The comic books were published in Milan by SBE under the direction of Tea Bonelli with each issue containing 32 black and white pages with color covers.



Serie I

01 (01.04.54) - "I tre Bill", "Tragico incontro", "Fiamme nella notte" (The Three Bills, Tragic Encounter, Flames in the Night)

02 (15.04.54) - "In corsa con la morte", "Agguato sui Monti Neri", "L'ultima carica" (Race with Death, Ambush on the Black Mountains, The Last Charge)

03 (01.05.54) - "L'orrenda condanna", "Sulle tracce di un rinnegato", "Giustizia è fatta" (The Horrendous Sentence, "On the Trail of a Renegade, "Justice is Done)

04 (15.05.54) - "La pista rossa", "Rinnegati", "Sul sentiero di Tucson" (The Red Trail, Forsaken, On the Tucson Trail)

05 (01.06.54) - "Fiamme nella notte", "Un piano diabolico", "Tucson in fiamme" (Flames in the Night, An Evil Plan, Tucson on Fire)

06 (15.06.54) - "Linciaggio", "Duello indiano", "Cochise!" (Lynching, Indian Duel, Cochise!)

07 (01.07.54) - "Agguato al Passo Coronado", "Corsa tragica", "L'ultima speranza" (Ambush at Coronado Pass, Tragic Race, The Last Hope)

08 (15.07.54) - "Inferno rosso", "Momenti difficili", "Nelle mani di Geronimo" (Red Hell, Difficult Times, In the Hands of Geronimo)

09 (01.08.54) - "La pista insanguinata", "Raggio di Luna", "Volo nell'abisso" (The Bloody Runway, "Moonbeam, "Flight Into the Abyss)


Serie II

01 (15.09.54) - "Odio implacabile", "Fuga in America", "Rangers avanti!" (Relentless Hate, Escape to America, Rangers Ahead!)

02 (01.10.54) - "La fine del Mary Anna", "I fuggiaschi", "Il mistero di Forte Concord" (The End of Mary Anna, The Fugitives, The Mystery of Fort Concord)

03 (15.10.54) - "La prova del palo orizzontale", "La storia di Lafayette", "Alla ricerca del totem" (The Test of the Horizontal Stake, The Story of Lafayette, In Search of the Totem)

04 (01.11.54) - "Le acque della verità", "La fine di Powatan", "Verso Quebec, Canada" (The Waters of Truth, The End of Powatan, Towards Quebec, Canada)

05 (15.11.54) - "Nella tana del nemico", "La maschera di ferro", "L'idolo insanguinato" (In the Enemy's Lair, The Iron Mask, The Bloody Idol)

06 (01.12.54) - "Sul sentiero di guerra", "Tamburi di guerra", "Alla ventura" (On the Warpath, "War Drums, "Good Luck)


Serie III

01 (01.04.55) - "Mani in alto!" (Hands Up!)

02 (10.04.55) - "Vendetta indiana" (Indian Revenge)

03 (20.04.55) - "Vigilia di fuoco" (Fire Eve)

04 (01.05.55) - "L'assedio" (The Siege)

05 (20.05.55) - "Colorado Express" (Colorado Express)

06 (01.06.55) - "All'ultimo sangue" (To the Death)

07 (10.06.55) - "L'ultima beffa" (The Last Joke)

08 (01.07.55) - "I corsari del West" (The Corsairs of the West)

09 (15.07.55) - "L'assalto" (The Assault)

10 (01.08.55) - "Corpo a corpo" (Melee)

11 (15.08.55) - "La fuga di Geronimo" (Geronimo’s Escape)

12 (01.09.55) - "La fine di un tiranno" (The End of the Tyrant)

13 (15.09.55) - "Dopo l'uragano" (After the Hurricane)

14 (01.10.55) - "Il marchio di fuoco" (The Brand of Fire)

15 (15.10.55) - "Uno spettacolo interrotto" (An Interrupted Show)

16 (01.11.55) - "Sioux River" (Sioux River)

17 (15.11.55) - "Il sentiero del Nord" (The Northern Path)

18 (01.12.55) - "Il faro tragico" (The Tragic Lighthouse)

19 (15.12.55) - "Pierre, il mancino" (Left-Handed Pierre)

20 (01.01.56) - "Caccia ai fuorilegge" (Hunt for the Outlaws)

21 (15.01.56) - "Lo strano Mister York" (The Strange Mister York)


Serie IV

01 (01.02.56) - "Il cavaliere del Texas" (The Texas Rider)

02 (15.02.56) - "Rio Kid gioca la prima carta" (The Rio Kid Plays the First Card)

03 (01.03.56) - "Nelle mani dello Scorpione" (In the Hands of the Scorpion)

04 (15.03.56) - "Yuma Kid" (Yuma Kid)

05 (01.04.56) - "Tragico assedio" (Tragic Siege)

06 (15.04.56) - "La Banda dei Fantasmi" (The Ghost Band)

07 (01.05.56) - "Il tesoro della Mesa Verde" (The Treasure of the Mesa Verde)

08 (15.05.56) - "Il ritorno del Coccodrillo d'Argento" (The Return of the Silver Crocodile)

09 (01.06.56) - "Agguato a Thunder Canyon" (Ambush in Thunder Canyon)


Serie V

01 (15.06.56) - "Il giustiziere rosso" (The Red Avenger)

02 (01.07.56) - "La carica infernale" (The Infernal Charge)

03 (15.07.56) - "La freccia misteriosa" (The Mysterious Arrow)

04 (01.08.56) - "L'oro del deserto" (The Gold of the Desert)

05 (15.08.56) - "I Figli del Sole" (The Children of the Sun)

06 (01.09.56) - "La cattura di Jefford" (The Capture of Jefford0

07 (15.09.56) - "Arizona in fiamme" (Arizona on Fire)

08 (01.10.56) - "La gola del serpente" (The Serpents Throat)

09 (15.10.56) - "La scomparsa di Jefford" (The Disappearance of Jefford)

10 (01.11.56) - "Il massacro della valle segreta" (The Secret Valley Massacre)

11 (15.11.56) - "Il segno di Za La Mort" (The Sign of Za La Mort)

12 (01.12.56) - "Mortale insidia" (Deadly Threat)


Serie VI

01 (15.12.56) - "Il Sergente York" (Sergeant York)

02 (01.01.57) - "La città morta" (The Dead City)

03 (15.01.57) - "La foresta in fiamme" (The Forest in Flames)

04 (01.02.57) - "Addio Grande Capo" (Goodbye Big Boss)

05 (15.02.57) - "I Cavalieri del Demonio" (The Knights of the Demon)

06 (01.03.57) - "Il segreto del monastero" (The Secret of the Monastery)

07 (15.03.57) - "La voce del vulcano" (The Voice of the Volcano)

08 (01.04.57) - "Sangue sul fiume" (Blood on the River)

09 (15.04.57) - "Fucili contro frecce" (Rifles vs Arrows)

10 (01.05.57) - "Fuga disperata" (Desperate Escape)

11 (15.05.57) - "Il fortino abbandonato" (The Abandoned Fort)

12 (01.06.57) - "Jute, il meticcio" (Jute the Half-breed)

13 (15.06.57) - "Il totem parlante" (The Talking Totem)

14 (01.07.57) - "Partita d'azzardo" (Gambling Game)

15 (15.07.57) - "I misteriosi Bora-Bora" (The Mysterious Bora-Bora)


Serie VII

01 (01.08.57) - "Il Cavaliere Nero" (The Black Knight)

02 (15.08.57) - "Il cerchio si stringe" (The Circle of Narrowing)

03 (01.09.57) - "La fine della traccia" (The End of the Track)

04 (15.09.57) - "Fiamme al Big Pecos" (Flames at Big Pecos)

05 (01.10.57) - "Nel rifugio di Barton" (In Barton’s Retreat)

06 (15.10.57) - "Sinistri alleati" (Sinister Allies)

07 (01.11.57) - "Il cimitero indiano" (The Indian Graveyard)

08 (15.11.57) - "Un colpo clamoroso (A Sensational Blow)

09 (01.12.57) - "Ore disperate" (Desperate Hours0

10 (15.12.57) - "Attacco al ranch" (Attack on the Ranch)

11 (01.01.58) - "Lo sceriffo di Winter City" (The Sheriff of Winter City)

12 (15.01.58) - "Giustizia è fatta!" (Justice is Done)

13 (01.02.58) - "Dollari falsi" (Fake Dollars)

14 (15.02.58) - "Ai ferri corti" (Ay Loggerheads)

15 (01.03.58) - "Assalto al treno" (Train Attack)

16 (15.03.58) - "Fuga nel deserto" (Escape into the Desert)

17 (01.04.58) - "Complotti nell'ombra" (Conspiracies in the Shadows)

18 (26.04.58) - "L'ultima carta di Crocker" (Crocker’s Last Card)


Serie VIII

01 (01.05.58) - "El Kid, il fuorilegge" (El Kid the Outlaw)

02 (15.05.58) - "La fine di un rinnegato" (The Enf of the Renegade)

03 (01.06.58) - "Comanches!" (Comanches!)

04 (15.06.58) - "El Kid attacca" (El Kid Attacks)

05 (01.07.58) - "Fra due fuochi" (Between Two Fires)

06 (15.07.58) - "Il ritorno di El Kid" (The Return of El Kid)

07 (01.08.58) - "Intrighi nell'ombra" (Intrigues in the Shadows)

08 (15.08.58) - "Impresa disperata" (Desperate Enterprise)

09 (01.09.58) - "Il segreto della caverna" (The Secret of the Cave)

10 (15.09.58) - "Strada bloccata" (Road Blocked)

11 (01.10.58) - "Sterminio nel canyon" (Extermination in the Canyon)

12 (15.10.58) - "Sangue per le strade" (Blood in the Streets)

13 (01.11.58) - "La fine di Kanada Kid" (The End of the Canadian Kid)

14 (15.11.58) - "Lotta con i mostri" (Fight With Monsters)


Serie IX

01 (01.12.58) - "La Pattuglia dei Bufali" (The Buffalo Patrol)

02 (15.12.58) - "Il traditore di Fort Bufalo ("The Traitor of Fort Buffalo)

03 (01.01.59) - "Delitto nella riserva" (Crime in the Reserve)

04 (15.01.59) - "Il terribile Murieta" (The Terrible Murieta)

05 (01.02.59) - "Evasione da Fort Bridger" (Escape from Fort Bridger)

06 (15.02.59) - "Il grande sterminio" (The Great Extermination)

07 (01.03.59) - "Un caso misterioso" (The Mysterious Case)

08 (15.03.59) - "La città senza legge" (The Lawless City)

09 (01.04.59) - "La Gola del Coyote" (The Coyote’s Throat)

10 (15.04.59) - "Senza scampo" (Without Escape)

11 (01.05.59) - "Il figlio della magia" (The Magical Son)

12 (15.05.59) - "La notte di terrore" (The Night of Terror)

13 (01.06.59) - "La carica dei bisonti" (The Charge of the Bison)

14 (15.06.59) - "L'uomo di pietra" (The Stone Man)


Serie X

01 (01.07.59) - "Il segno del corvo" (The Sign of the Raven)

02 (15.07.59) - "Disperata difesa" (Desperate Defense)

03 (01.08.59) - "Il palo della tortura" (The Torture Stake)

04 (15.08.59) - "Attacco notturno" (Night Attack)

05 (01.09.59) - "Sangue sulla prateria" (Blood on the Prairie)

06 (15.09.59) - "La danza della scure" (The Dance of the Axe)

07 (01.10.59) - "Morte all'alba" (Death at Dawn)

08 (15.10.59) - "La capanna sulla collina" (The Hut on the Hill0

09 (01.11.59) - "Rocky contro tutti" (Rocky Against Everyone)

10 (15.11.59) - "L'uomo nell'ombra" (The Man in the Shadow)

11 (01.12.59) - "Buffalo Rosso" (Red Buffalo)

12 (15.12.59) - "Alla riscossa" (To the Rescue)

13 (01.01.60) - "La conca dell'oro" (The Gold Basin)

14 (15.01.60) - "Il gorgo fatale" (The Fatal Whirlpool)

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