Last spring he had shot some scenes of Amelio's "Battlefield" at the Pescaiola station, this time the clapperboard was in San Giuliano. And May Clooney and Sandler had arrived
Alessandro Borghi in Arezzo to shoot the scenes of the new film in which he will be the protagonist entitled "Heads or Tails" in San Giuliano. This is a return to the city for Borghi, who just last spring had been in Pescaiola to shoot another film.
The film "Heads or Tails?"
Some scenes of what will be a western have been shot in the outskirts of Arezzo in recent days. The film "Heads or Tails?" is directed by Matteo Zoppis and Alessio Rigo De Righi and is produced by Ring Film Srl. The filming locations were different in various parts of Italy, including Lazio and Tuscany.
Borghi's return to Arezzo
The famous Italian actor, protagonist of successful films and TV series such as ‘Suburra, Supersex’, ‘The Eight Mountains’ and ‘Devils’ has also been spotted in the city center. For him this is a return in 2024, having recently been in Arezzo also to shoot Gianni Amelio's latest film entitled "Campo di battaglia" at the Pescaiola station.
Arezzo, land of films
And there are now many productions that in recent years
have chosen Arezzo to set TV series and feature films. The most important
example dates back to last May when some scenes of an American film starring
George Clooney and Adam Sandler were shot in the Petrarca theater. Going
backwards, another famous example of recent times is that of the Netflix series
‘Decameron’, also shot in Ponte Buriano. And in the future? Certainly in the
spring a German production will arrive in the city for two days of filming.
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