Saturday, August 3, 2024

Little Known Spaghetti Western Actors ~ Antonietta Calderari

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Antonietta Calderari was an Italian silent film actress born in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1893. She moved to Italy at a young age and debuted at the Ambrosio film company of Turin in 1911 and was a regular actress there for a while. She first acted there in a series of short film adaptations of books and plays of Gabriele D'Annunzio: “La figlia di Jorio” (1911), “La fiaccola sotto il moggio” (1911), “Sogno di un tramonto d'autunno” (1911), all directed by Luigi Maggi, and “La nave” (1912) by Edoardo Bencivenga. In the latter film she had the lead as the femme fatale Basiliola. Apart from more shorts at Ambrosio, Calderari in addition acted in some 17 other shorts in 1913, by the Turinese company Aquila Films, such as “Un sogno” (1912), “La contessa Lara” (1912), “Gente onesta” (1913), “L'assassina del Ponte S. Martin” (1913), “La torre d'espiazione” (1913), “Sua Maestà il sangue” (1913), and “La iena d'oro” (1913) mostly directed by Roberto Roberti, sometimes by Achille Consalvi. After a few more films at Ambrosio, Calderari did some 13 more films at Aquila in the years 1916-1917, mostly with Roberti as both director and male lead.

After a few films at Savoia Film and other companies in the years 1917-1919, Calderari had a part in “Sansone e la ladra di atleti” (1919), starring Luciano Albertini and his girlfriend Linda Albertini, directed by Amedeo Mustacchi,

Antonietta Calderari's last film was “Il mistero in casa del dottore” (Pasquali Film, 1922) by Alessandro De Stefani. What is unknown is what she did afterwards. In 1992 Calderari died at the age of almost 100 years.

Among her many film roles was one Euro-western the 1913 film “La vampira Indiana” (The Indian Vampire) in which she starred and was directed by Sergio Leone’s father under the alias Roberto Roberti.

CALDERARI, Antonietta [1893, Montevideo, Uruguay – 1992, Italy] – film actress.

The Indian Vampire – 1913

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