Monday, December 2, 2024

European Western Comic Books – La Vita e le Vere Avventure di BUFFALO BILL


La Vita e le Vere Avventure di BUFFALO BILL

This comic book series is a teprint of the 1946 edition for the first ten issues that bear the words “Second Edition” on the cover. From 11 onwards the episodes are unpublished.

The entire series was collected in two volumes entitled The Life and True Adventures of Buffalo Bill (#s1/2 - 1948 - 104 pages) that each propose ten issues with the front covers. Inside mixed copies of the two editions (1946 and 1948).

The series was printed by ESS in Milan, Italy and was released from January 13, 1948 to October 17, 1948. The editor I chief was Vilchy Aidinvan with most issues containing 8 black & white pages with color covers



01 (13.01.48) - "La prima avventura" (The First Adventure)

02 (23.01.48) - "Il segno di morte" (The Mark of Death)

03 (03.02.48) - "Aquila Bianca contro Penna di Falco" (White Eagle vs Hawk Feather)

04 (13.02.48) - "Quick-Dan trova un maestro" (Quick-Dan Finds a Master)

05 (23.03.48) - "Il corriere scomparso" (The Missing Courier)

06 (03.03.48) - "Le vittime della frontiera" (The Victims of the Frontier)

07 (13.03.48) - "Il grande giuramento" (The Great Oath)

08 (23.03.48) - "I vendicatori della prateria" (The Avengers of the Prairie)

09 (03-13.04.48) - "Il corriere del Pony-Express" (The Pony Express Courier)

10 (23.04.48) - "Missione mortale" (Deadly Mission)

11 (03.04.48) - "Il passo proibito" (The Forbidden Pass)

12 (23.05.48) - "La carovana perduta" (The Lost Caravan)

13 (13.06.48) - "La figlia del sachem" (The Sachem's Daughter)

14 (03.07.48) - "Nelle mani di Giaguaro Feroce" (In the Hands of Fierce Jaguar)

15 (13.07.48) - "Il terrore delle colline" (The Terror of the Hills)

16 (13.08.48) - "Gli emigranti neri" (The Black Emigrants)

17 (03.09.48) - "La lettera gialla" (The Yellow Letter)

18 (03.10.48) - "Un signore del Sud" (A Southern Gentleman)

19 (10.09.48) - "Il saloon del vecchio Tom" (Old Tom’s Saloon)

20 (17.10.48) - "Oro nella prateria" (Gold on the Prairie)

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