Monday, March 17, 2025

St. Patrick's Day 2025


Little Known Spaghetti Western actors ~ Dolores Bermudez

[These daily posts will cover little known actors or people that have appeared in more recent films and TV series. Various degrees of information that I was able to find will be given and anything that you can add would be appreciated.]

Dolores Dios Bermudez is a little-known Spanish actress. There’s no biographical information online or in print other than her marriage to actor Miguel Arenas, She has only two film credits “Las salvajes en Puente San Gil” in 1966 and her only Spaghetti western film “Le tre spade di Zorro” (Three Swords of Zorro) in 1963. Since her roles are uncredited it’s not possible to identify and find a photo of her.

BERMUDEZ, Dolores (Dolores Dios Bermudez) [Spanish] – film actress, married to actor Miguel Arenas (Miguel Arenas Guixot) [1902-1965] (1942-19??), mother of actress, singer father of actress, singer Rosita Arenas (Rosa Arenas) [1933-    ], grandmother of writer, actress Rosa Salazar Arenas [1960-    ].

Three Swords of Zorro – 1963

Two new German Blu-ray releases “Die rechte und die linke Hand des Teufels”, “Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja”, “


“Die rechte und die linke Hand des Teufels”

They Call Me Trinity



Director: Enzo Barboni

Starring: Terence Hill, Bud Spencer


Country: Germany

Label: Retro Gold 63

BluRay/DVD combo Mediabook, 7 different options: Cover A padded, 363 copies; Cover B padded, 333 copies; Cover C 250 copies; Cover D German poster 222 copies (Retro shop exclusive); Cover E padded, 222 copies (Retro shop exclusive); Cover F/G padded, 63 copies (Retro shop exclusive)

    Disc 1 (BluRay):

Italian version (new Italian master). Runtime 114min; Video: 2.35:1; Audio: German and English DTS-HD MA 2.0 mono; Subtitles: New German subtitles for the English audio German theatrical version (HD). Runtime 113min; Audio: German DTS-HD MA 2.0 mono

    Disc 2 (DVD contains the Italian cut only, plus the extras), PAL

    Extras: additional scenes (7:12min with German subtitles); German theatrical trailer (1:44min); German re-release trailer (3:11min); English trailer (3:01min); Italian trailer (3:01min); gallery with artwork (plays at 8min); 24- page booklet by Jean Rises.

Available: March 17, 2025

“Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja”

(Trinity is STILL My Name)



Director: Enzo Barboni

Starring: Terence Hill, Bud Spencer


Country: Germany

Label: Retro Gold 63

BluRay Mediabook, 7 different options: Cover A padded, 363 copies; Cover B padded, 333 copies; Cover C, 250padded; Cover D, German poster artwork, 222 copies (Retro shop exclusive); Cover E padded, 222 copies (Retro shop exclusive); Cover F/G padded, 63 copies (Retro shop exclusive).

    BluRay disc 1: 1982 Comedy-Version

New Italian transfer, 116mins (at 24fps); 2.35:1; German and English audio (DTS-HD MA 2.0 mono); new German subtitltes for the English audio. Original German theatrical comedy version (HD), 118min (at 23,976fps); 2.35:1; German audio only.

    BluRay disc 2: 1972 theatrical version

Original German version; 126min (at 24fps); 2.35:1; German and Italian audio (DD 2.0 mono); German subtitles.

    Extras: German original theatrical trailer (2:52min); German re-release trailer (3:12min, HD); English international trailer (2:59min); English international trailer with Italian audio (2:56min); US trailer (2:54min); French trailer (2:13min); Italian trailer (2:56min); old German theatrical opening titles (2:45min, HD); artwork gallery (2min); 24-page booklet by Jean Rises.

Available: March 17, 2025

Spaghetti Western locations Then & Now – “The Proud and the Damned”

In a scene from 1969’s “The Proud and the Damned” we see a rider approaching a church. The church, Mosteiro de Ecce Homo, located in Orgulho e Maldicao, Brazil.

Here’s the same location as seen today.

European Western Comic Books – Capitan Miki 6


Captain Miki 6

This comic book series came out as a supplement to Tuttomiki. The first issue is not numbered. It presents publications "outside the series", as they are not works by the famous Essegesse, but by other authors. Practically, they are stories created by Amilcare Medici (texts), Franco Bignotti (#1/9) and by Studio Del Principe [Eugenio Benni, Nestore Del Boccio and Gianni Corsi] (drawings), already published in Italy, some of which you can find (even with different titles) in the Freccia Gigante Collection.

The series was published in 1989 with issue #1 being released in July of that year and it ended with issue #10 in March of 1993. It was published by CED in Milan, Italy under the direction of Maurizio Rigo. Each issue contained anywhere from 184-240 black and white pages with color covers.


01 (00.07.89) - “La palude del mistero” (The Swamp Mystery)

02 (00.04.90) - “Il principe mascherato” (The Masked Prince)

03 (00.05.91) - “Il grande duello” (The Great Duel)

04 (00.08.91) - “Bandiera gialla” (Yellow Flag)

05 (00.11.91) - “Il mistero di Campo Alto” (The Mystery of Campo Alto)

06 (00.02.92) - “Frontiera rossa” (Red Frontier)

07 (00.05.92) - “Il segreto di Manuela” - “La Banda della Misericordia” (Manuela’s

                          Secret” - “The Band of Mercy)

08 (00.09.92) - “Sentieri di guerra” (Paths of War)

09 (00.12.92) - “Il totem perduto" - "Missione speciale” (The Lost Totem” - “Special


10 (00.03.93) - “Barriera di fuoco" - "Rhum e cavalli” (Barrier of Fire” - “Rum and


Special Birthdays

 Gabriele Ferzetti (actor) would have been 100 today but died in 2015.

Mario de Simone (actor) would have been 95 today but died in 1999.

Sunday, March 16, 2025