Friday, August 9, 2024

RIP Gianni Meccia


Italian composer, singer, songwriter, musician and actor Gianni Meccia died in Italy on April 9, 2024. His passing has only now been released, as reported by the Resto del Carlino. Giovanni Meccia, born on June 2, 1931, in Ferrara, Italy and was a renowned Italian singer-songwriter, composer and record producer. His musical career began in the 1950s, when he moved to Rome to follow his passion for music. Meccia established himself in the 1960s thanks to the success of the song "Il barattolo", which obtained great public and critical acclaim. With his unique style and his ability to blend ironic lyrics and captivating melodies, he helped shape the Italian music scene of the time. Meccia appeared as Ricky in 1966’s “Djurado” where he also sang “Solo il vento so la” and again as a co-composer of the score for “Behold the Strange, Exciting, Dangerous Scent of Dollars” in 1973.

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