Monday, July 1, 2024

RIP Adolfo Bartoli


Italian cameraman, cinematographer Adolfo Bartoli died in Rome on June 30, 2024. He was 73. Born in Rome on August 12, 1950, he studied in Rome and London. He then began working as a film technician. His professional consolidation took place by collaborating as an assistant to the maestro Pasqualino De Santis, Oscar winner for photography in the film “Romeo and Juliet” by Franco Zeffirelli. He also collaborated with many other important authors of photography and was both a cameraman and cinematographer on numerous documentaries and films. Bartoli was an assistant cameraman on 1972’s “My Horse, My Gun, Your Widow and the cinematographer on 1994’s “Oblivion” and its 1996 sequel “Backlash: Oblivion 2”.

1 comment:

  1. Such a great person, friend and cinematographer I will truly miss him.
