Monday, June 3, 2024

European Western Comic Books - Bang!



A total of 38 issues of this comic book were released in two years. Non-progressive numbering. Year I #1 (May 30, 1959) to #15 (30 December 30, 1959). Year II #1 (January 15, 1960) to #23 (December 30, 1960).

Booklet with several comic stories, partly written by Omero Martinelli (who was also editor in chief) and designed by Massimo Liorni (Director in Charge and author of the covers), A. Ruffini, Cizerza, Gimmy, Ser., Baldoli, Cervera and F. School. Salvatore Marino, owner of Tipolitografia Adriana, resumes his editorial activity both with comic periodicals (Carioca, Piccolo Boy) and other genres: Il Mancino (humor), I Gialli Blu, I Gialli della Gatta (novels), Super puzzles (games).

The comic book series was published in Rome by Edizioni Adriana under the direction of Massimo Liorni and each issue contained 96 black and white pages with color covers. Issues were released every other week.

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