Wednesday, July 14, 2021

New Film Release ~ “Redemption”

 [La Bella short film poster]



By Angelo D’Ambra

Redemption, a new short film by Emiliano Ferrera La Bella short film poster In “Redemption”, the new short film by Emiliano Ferrera, the west is populated by women who have been raped, beaten, sold, treated as commodities, marginalized and yet brave enough to meet a fatal destiny. Law and justice are distant, redemption is perhaps elusive. The subject is hot and the writing tackles it with rawness, without ephemeral sweetenings, testifying to how much the western, even in Italy, is alive and with so much more to say. Federal agent Wales (our Ferrera) arrives in Redemption, Oklahoma, with the task of taking Annie Glover (Nora Luis) to Texas, on a murder charge. However, he must first deal with the bloodthirsty Black Jack (Mauro Del Vecchio), who keeps the lonely town in check, and with the cryptic bounty killer Jones (Valerio Rota Vega), who has come especially for the woman and not at all willing to give up the money cut it.

Croaking crows in clear skies witness the anguished progress of the facts. Bearded grunts and restless eyes move in a tormented scenario. The viewer falls between harsh dialogues and gloomy faces, finding himself in an oppressive atmosphere, the result above all of the intelligent and counter-current choice of monochrome (applause to the director of photography, Armando Barberi).

 All the characters live subjugated by events and emotions, only Wales is still, clamorous, icy like his gaze, loyal to his duties, steadfast in purpose, devoid of doubts, sure as the hand holding his spitter, it doesn't matter if Annie whether innocent or not.


In the cast of actors, Luis is perfect, she vibrates with drama, continuously crossed by jolts of suffering, the interpretation of Rota Vega is prismatic, noteworthy is the mystical strength that Simona Lavinia Mancini gives to the Indian Chumani, the genuineness of Giulio Anese, excellent Giorgio Filonzi who takes on the difficult responsibility of the irony of the short.


 Dynamism and rawness blend perfectly in the decisive scenes. Melancholic harmonies and echoes of resignation in the music of Alessandro Giordano prelude to the inevitability of the gallows. Thus ends a very current and bitter celebration of strong women who suffer, dream and fight but succumb in a rotten and improbable society in which justice is unfair to the weak, a rope around the neck that strangles every sigh of dignity and redemption.

The film participates in several film festivals and will be available to the public in 2022. The enthusiast will be patient, it's worth it.

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