Spanish heartthrob Antonio Pica Serrano died in
a hospital in El Puerto de Santa María, Andalucia, Spain on April 26, 2014. He was 83. Born on
March 21, 1931 in Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Andalucía Spain. After military
service he worked on oil rigs and as a diver, until he was discovered when he
was discovered by a producer from Moro Studios. Pica went on to appear in more
than 70 films, TV series and commercials. Because of his American looks he
appeared in such international co-productions as “The Fall of the Roman Empire”
(1964) and “Travels With My Aunt” (1972). Pica appeared in 14 Euro-westerns
such as: “Fistful of Dollars”, “Django Kill” “For a Few Bullets More”, “Ringo
the Lone Rider”, “A Bullet for Sandoval”, “Two Crosses at Danger Pass”. More
recently Antonio came out of retirement in 2012 to appear in the Euro-western
short film ”The Cockroach” directed by Manuel Ruiz. Married four times he
leaves five children.
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