Thursday, December 19, 2013

Remembering Francesco Degli Espinosa

Francesco Degli Espinosa was born on December 19, 1933. In the film industry he wore many hats. Francesco was a director, assistant director, screenwriter and film editor. He was involved in only two Euro-western though, in 1967 he co-wrote the screenplay for “Shotgun” starring Tab Hunter and in 1973 he wrote the screenplay for "Once Upon a Time in the Wild Wild West" starring Gordon Mitchell. His last film work was in 1976 as a co-writer on “Emmanuelle on Taboo Island”.
Espinosa passed away in mid-June, 2006 in Rome.
Today we remember Francesco Degli Espinosa on what would have been his 80th birthday.


  1. Degli Espinosa and Matassi are NOT the same person. Degli Espinosa worked as assistand director; Matassi was very active in the field of developing colour film systems

    At least that's what I'Ve found

  2. Thanks Fatman, noted and corrected. Merry Christmas.
